Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dear Pop Culture Vlog: Breaking Dawn and Best Christmas Episodes

This Vlogging thing - so much easier.

1 comment:

  1. YES! "West Wing" did Christmas very, very well. I loved Josh, *sigh*.

    I would also volunteer 'An Echolls Family Christmas' from Season 1 Veronica Mars. Poker, a stabbing and the boys in their underwear - hella good.

    'Breaking Dawn' was Stephenie Meyer going batty because she knew it would be adapted to the big screen. So she threw in a wedding! Bed-breaking sex! Vampire baby! War (with no deaths)! Just jam-packed with every shark-jumping phenomenon you can think of because it's the final instalment!

    When I went and saw it in the cinema (for shame!) everyone pissed themselves when Bella announced the name 'Renesmee' for the baby. And I cracked up when Edward was looking down at that bloody/slimy baby with such adoration ... *shivers*.
