Friday, December 23, 2011

Dear Pop Culture Vlog: Most Anticipated 2012 Movies


  1. LOL - Fassy is "a stunning actor" - you soooo had to bite your tongue from saying "he's just so pretty!" Which is also very, very true. I commend your restraint.

    And, yes, 'Battleship' looks atrocious, but I need to go see it and support Alexander SkarsgÄrd.

    One film I am really looking forward to next year if 'Chronicle'. It's a whole bunch of unknowns, but the trailer looks FANTASTIC. It's an interesting spin on the whole X-Men/Heroes thing. Very cool.

  2. Just watched Chronicle trailer! VERY enticing. It's very X-Men/Heroes with I Know What You Did Last Summer thrown in a bit. Sadly minus Freddie and Ryan. Adding to the LIST!

  3. Another must-see Fassy movie of 2012? 'Haywire'. Again, kick-butt trailer. Like a femme fatale version of 'Bourne Identity'!
