Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Patrick Reid Alternative

As promised, my attempt at Offspring fan-fiction.And now it's super scary to post this because isn't it easy to be super critical lady who can pick characterisation flaws from a distance.

I will admit it came out a lot more angsty than I'd planned, also, this story does continue and bring in other Proudmans and sort of continue the flash back momentum - if people are interested, I'll keep going.

In the meantime, enjoy ALIVE PATRICK, behind the link.

She wakes with a start, her heart thumping, her mind racing. Already it’s gone though, the understanding of the dream, or she corrects herself, a nightmare. Whatever it was, she feels deeply unsettled. Was she swimming? She remembers swimming but somehow in the sky.

Shaking the confusion away, she reaches a hand beside her but the bed is empty, the covers tossed back. Nina isn’t alarmed, this is her new normal. Of course she understands, just because she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, doesn’t mean he’s forgotten the pain. It doesn’t wipe away the grief of Oscar and she would never expect it too. Rising from their bed, she tip toes softly down the stairs, knowing where she’ll find them both.

It’s strange to her, to think that only two years earlier of how lost she was, how adrift in the world she felt. At her lowest, after Chris had left, she’d wondered if her great love was beyond her. Not something that she deserved somehow. But then he came barging into her life, burdened and sarcastic. Snapping away the emotion with his patented deflection. Of course, as he’d wanted, she assumed he was an egotistical jackass and yes, of course, he was but like every cliché, truth lies at the bottom of it. And for Patrick Reid underneath his bravado, a never ending well of self-recrimination, of doubt and sorrow, of loneliness.

Somehow, and she often wonders how, they made it through to each other. After too many times of almost misses and accidental confusion, they’d made it home, to here.

The moonlight was pouring in through the windows, and as she reached the bottom step, she could hear him murmuring. The late summer air was still warm for the hour and he stood there shirtless, cradling Lenny, pointing at the stars, often words of wisdom she couldn’t hear, but caused her to grin none the less.
He moved gently back and forth, soothing the Lenny in his arm. Her boy sometimes needing time at night to settle.   She smiled and corrected herself, her boys that sometimes needing settling.

Two Months Earlier

He’s practically creating tracks across the rug, his pacing bordering on frantic. It’s the third night she’s found him here, at strange, darkened hours of the morning.

She’d noticed his restlessness in the day time, but with their unending parade of family members and problems, it’s been enough to distract him. Now though, in the quiet hours, he can’t contain it, can’t hide it from her. He’s spent the better part of their relationship attempting to hide from her, his attempts to protect himself and those around him, she guesses. It drove her mad and it’s only been with therapy and counselling that she can understand he’s not deliberately punishing her but still in some way punishing himself.

The heat of early summer hasn’t made it easy to sleep and it’s the excuse he’s used the past two nights. Tonight, his breathing is laboured, his shoulders glisten with a slight sweat and his tank is damp.

‘Patrick,’ she whispers, attempting not to startle him. She fails and he whirls around, his eyes wild and then hooded, automatically putting the shield in place.

‘Yeah?’ he replies, coming to a stop away from her, his hands automatically going to his hips, his posture of one slight defiance.

She sighs, and automatically wants to pester him, poke and prod and question him but she knows, especially lately, she knows this will only drive him deeper. Instead, she tries a new technique.

She sits on the couch, far less gracefully than she wanted, and then calmly waits. Not accusing him, not glaring at him condescendingly – just waits.

‘Lawrence trick,’ he smirks, recognising her efforts immediately.

‘It might be,’ she stammers in reply, not realising how obvious she was. ‘I’m trying to listen.’

His smirk fades and she can tell he’s disappointed in himself, for being trouble, for being difficult. She desperately wants to say something at this very moment, say anything to fill the silence, to not feel him slipping away and just fix it for him but she knows she can’t. It’s not her turn to speak and Nina Proudman has to do the hardest thing in her life right now, simply shut up.

The minutes tick by and he’s waiting her out, she can see this. It’s not a test but he’s so used to people filling the silence he’s grown accustomed to the chatter. She won’t budge though, she won’t let him use her rambling to hide behind.

‘This must be killing you?’ he grins, attempting to joke her into a response but she just nods slightly and then stays quiet.

Suddenly and without warning, he slowly kneels to the floor, the extending silence unravelling his bravado. He doesn’t say a word, just closes his eyes, maybe hoping to escape. Right here, in this moment, she can imagine how he got so far down the road of numbing the pain. She sits to the edge of couch, again, at almost full term pregnancy, it’s not a graceful act but she wants to close the distance between them.

He stays still, eyes scrunched closed, his fingers curled into fists, almost physically fighting the emotions in his body. Just when she thinks he’ll never let her in, never be able to let it all go without fear, he reaches out a hand, resting it on her leg.

He opens his eyes slowly, and with sheer terror looming large in his brown eyes, murmurs, ‘What if? and he can’t even finish the sentence.

With everything inside her, she grabs his hands and pulls him closer, wrapping him into her arms fiercely. Nina manages to stay quiet because she knows words, especially those words, offer no consolation. They’re both doctors, they know the truth – that there is no promise to be made that can ever make it okay.

So all Nina does is hold him, gently stroking his back, listening as his breathing slows, waiting for him to return. She offers the only words she knows to be true, the only words that will be the promise she can keep.

‘I will be here,’ she whispers, and places a gently kiss on the crown of his head.


  1. Well done Felicity. I love 'What if'. And Patrick's sarcy comment about Nina keeping quiet.

    I'll keep reading if you keep posting.

  2. Why do written things always seem better and more romantic?! Much enjoyed it, Felicity.

    I got a bit confused about Oscar though.

  3. Felicity, I loved it. You captured the characters so well, from Nina's awkwardness to Patrick's sarcasm.
    You can tell when a show is on the decline when its fans can write the characters much better than the creators themselves.
    Such a pity.

    This was a brilliant piece of work and you should be proud.
    Please, oh please write down the birth episode, with Dr Patrick being the one receiving his baby! :)

    1. Loved it Felicity, hanging out for next chapter

  4. *Sigh*, that's beautiful, thank you Felicity. Can't wait for the next instalment. If only we could get MLN to pose for a few photos with a baby! I'll volunteer my newborn when he arrives in a couple of months!

    1. you reminded me of this pic I came across last week. :)

    2. Thanks Evie! Definitely tugs at the heart strings!

    3. There is still one thing that puzzles me and should puzzle all of you- why is the gift that Billie left for the shower in the blue box and why did the family paint the nursery blue, as if they knew Nina was having a boy?
      Does this strike you as odd? Or am I grasping at straws in hopes that the death was not real?

    4. I'm fairly certain in an early episode P & N stated they did not want to find out the sex of the baby. I did think all the use of blue was odd - maybe the proudman's are the only people in the western world that think blue is a neutral colour for babies??

    5. Shoshie, like you I'll grasp at any straws available to hope they can renege on the death. I was actually just thinking of the gift Billie left as I was on my way home from work this afternoon; how I thought it would be significant, but then it didn't seem to be. Reminiscent of when Klegg left his offering unattended on the hospital counter!

    6. Shoshie, I didn't think much when Jimmy was painting the baby's room because I assumed he was using some leftover paint from Alfie's (although clarification would have been nice!), however I was extremely intrigued by Billie's blue box on the doorstep - I must be honest here... at that stage I was sure she was the one to die, only for Nina to discover her present on the doorstep!

      Hopefully all this really meant something and is not just a loose end.
      I'm also holding on for a miracle resurrection as you all.
      I liked Emmerrr's idea about all being a dream of Patrick. That would make an awesome twist.

    7. you may be onto something because they did show the blue present as a teaser on the offspring on 10 facebook page between episodes...and then it was never raised in the episode. Not that you can trust channel 10s promotion of the show. I am long to wait to see what it is all about next year.
      On another note, I did see that Kate is leaving Australia to try her success in the US so that would fit with Patrick being written out of the show.

    8. They haven't done any painting for Alfie as far as I can remember. So there can't be any leftoves from that.

  5. Great work Felicity. I love how you dealt with the stillbirth issue in the two months earlier. they really didn't cover that much in the season - other than a comment here or there. I wonder if there were cut scenes from the counselling session or other deleted scenes.
    I prefer the baby being a girl because that would make it a little easier for Patrick to bond without guilt about replacing Gus.

  6. Evie-I also believe that perhaps the whole scenario was in Patrick's subconscious state after being hit by the car. This was one of the first things that dawned on me. The producers, writers and main cast have vehemently denied that this was Nina's dream or subconscious state.
    I do beleive that I am, as most of you bloggers, a busy grounded person and am far too busy to dwell in the "what ifs?" It's not in my nature to read the alternative endings although I must say that they are so well written and lovely to read. I only have read them on this blog and not other sites, due to the fact that you, the readers and writers, are of a high calibur and quality. Yet I have a hard time with rewriting the episodes- it's a bit too "fantasy-like" for me. And by the same token, I'd probably opt not to watch season 5 if this is how Patrick would be portrayed :as a fantasy in Nina'a mind I would prefer to think that there is a mysterious twist that we aren't privy to yet. One which involves no death scenario,optimally. One that would appeal to the intelligent viewer and stay in the realm of the logical, not the absurd. A twist that would make us say " Boy, they got us again- but in a good way".
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Interesting comments shoshie. I think Felicity was being kind to distraught viewers and wrote an alternative "happy ending" :), it also addresses strands that went nowhere. I agree that the fantasy part of the show shouldn't be brought into soap opera plotlines (though I do love the facebook scenarios - entire generations seem to be raised on Bold and the Beautiful, Neighbours etc. - I fully expect Patrick face transplant recipient to turn up in S5!!!).

      Is it just me or is the Nina-Patrick chemistry off in S4? Maybe it was the Saint Patrick plots of S4.

      PS: Partial apology to writers. They seem to have copped a lot of abuse though I am fairly sure they don't have the final say in plot lines. But writers please hire a continuity person. And don't force the humour-you are good with the heartfelt, emotional moments but the rest is in need of rejuvenation.

      PPS: Pity the guy who is the next "Patrick". If Chris-Patrick was so much debated, imagine the new face-off - dead, hot doctor and father of baby to contend with! Maybe Ch10 will keep it inhouse - Charlie Pickering or Matt Doran (just kidding!).

      Have a good weekend! Milly.

  7. Please excuse the spelling mistakes on the above comment - I can't find my reading glasses

  8. I thought the chemistry between Nina and Patrick was much deeper in S4, particularly in the I choose you scene. It was such a beautiful love story, not perfect but pretty realistic, which is why I think so many fans are devastated that it is over and really don't think Offspring will ever be the same again

    1. I'm undecided about the chemistry. I agree with you Pam that it was a beautiful love story, and there were still some nice and almost sexy moments between the two. Patrick was wonderfully supportive at times, but still had at least one bad moment with the Kate thing, which was a nice mix. Nina seemed to care more about Billie than Patrick overall, she wasn't exactly quick to express her gratitude when Patrick said he'd take more time off work in her absence.

      Someone else might have mentioned this already, but I don't see the value of another single mum on the show. They had Cherie and Kate to explore those story lines. It's ironic that Jimmy, Zara and Alfie are the most traditional family on the show now!

      Milly, where do I find these facebook scenarios? Anything's better than ending on season 4's miserable note!

  9. Milly, what you said about the scenarios on FB is quite interesting. I don't have accounts on social media sites, so I'm limited to see what's open to the public.
    I agree with Shoshie as this is the only blog I'd ever use to discuss Offspring.
    Felicity has written a very lovely alternate universe for our favourite fictional couple. She's done the characters justice as I can imagine canon Patrick being so broken when trying to discuss Gus' stillbirth.
    And this issue was a missed opportunity for this season of Offspring. It was a pity that a cliche pregnancy scare was used to (briefly) discuss Patrick's fears. I think a lot more detail should have been focused on how he was dealing with the arrival of this new baby.
    Some parents who experienced stillbirth say that they feel a bit guilty at first for enjoying a new arrival.
    I understand Nina is the protagonist, so her presence is paramount, but in my opinion this does not mean that all other plots have to be sacrificed.
    If the writers had spent more time developing the secondary character's storylines, giving the audience the chance to miss Nina a bit, they may had not had to resort to killing a main one for the ratings.

    1. Evie, the scenarios are just comments, and very "soapy". Nothing as detailed or with any analysis as here. I did spot a comment on fanfic on tumblr but haven't read it.

  10. Ah then the NandP non-chemistry is only me.

    Emmerr it isn't any particular post but some of the comments. I am pretty sure that "Baby X is Adam's" comment pops up now and then! Also they buy into Ch10's promos - some of the theories on Patrick-Eloise were hilarious. There was something crazy on organ donation too-though given Offspring writers it may never be mentioned again!

    On the whole Offspring on social media is interesting-there's the diehard "Patrickers", the small but vociferous "Havelites", the core fan group that has a fair idea about plots and have a particular idea about Offspring and a lot of newbies who come and go.

    Emmerrr I thought that too though more like there is no major male character on the show anymore (unless Darcy comes back)except for Jimmy (and Clegg and Alfie) - almost like that's it, we are quitting the Proudman women:) And lol at Jimmy, Zara and Alfie being the only family!

    OK I should now probably settle down to Time of Our Lives and look forward to Phryne Fisher costume porn:)

  11. I love what Felicity has done, despite me feeling the need for the show to continue in the fashion which I had specified. I wasn't trying to detract from her marvelous writing. She has done a tremendous service to all of the fans, those who have trouble letting go of the end of season 4 or those who,and I believe that this represents the majority of the viewers, honestly believe that there were too many loose ends in the last 5 episodes of the season.
    I cannot get into the soapy facebook new endings- Felicity's writing is in an a different league, very professional. That's why this is the only blog I can write to or read. Thank you , Felicity, for giving up your free time to make so many people smile and remember why we became so attatched to these characters.
    Evie is so correct in stating that Patrick had so much to resolve regarding his apprehensions about everything to do with the birth. There was so many unresolved issues and loose threads that could have been wonderful yet not simple story lines with Nina and Patrick's little family ie: apprehension over the birth, over their relationship which still had so many question marks surrounding it, over family priorities. The last episodes before the death seem almost to cruel to watch (I think their DVD sales will not be brilliant)- I know the writers didn't write thses scenes out of malice. But they wrote scenes which had the enormous potential to carry on into intricate and thought provoking storylines that just never manifested into anything due to Patrick's death.
    As Evie pointed out, the writers didn't develop, at least not in the last 5 or 6 episodes of the season, another strong story line with other characters or even introduce new main characters which could have had us focus on new dilemnas -with the exception of Billie's heart breaking emotional demise, it was all about Nina and Patrick's evolving roles as co-parents and as we had hoped, a new family. We were totally focused on the future of these characters so when the storyline abruptly ended because of Patrick's death, we felt as though we had been thrown into an abyss- there was nothing leading up to this(except for the moronic adverts and promos by channel 10). The thing is this: the drama revolving around this would have been enough. The characters are complex enough that
    writers could have intrigued us through season 5.
    If the writers had other equally strong and intriguing storylines with other characters, we may not have invested so heavily in the Nina and Patrick drama and thus not have been so distressed at the tragic manner in which the writers chose to end the season. The character of Nina is the pillar of the show so it's reasonable to assume that there can't be too many storylines which don't involve her. Yet because of this fact, we were glued to her life with Patrick. There weren't other subplots that distracted us from this. In retrospect, I wish there had been. It may have made viewing the last episodes just a tad easier. But because of this, the writers would be wise to understand that many viewers will find it extremely difficult and unpleasant to watch season 5.If they had prepared us with other scene stealing characters and stories that matched the gripping Nina and Patrick theme, maybe we wouldn't have the need to imagine how the ending could have been different (kinder to our hearts)or speculate on how , perhaps, there still might be a twist to the ending of season 4 and the main male character will appear as a flesh and blood character and not a figment of Nina's imagination or a Jiminy Cricket type on her shoulder, or in flashbacks. Believing this may be the only impetus I have in watching season 5, with the exception of this blog
    Ok, I need finish my lesson plans for the week. A good morning to all of you waking up in Oz and good night to me falling asleep here somewhere in the Mediterranean.

    1. Shoshie, that is exactly what I have been thinking and feeling about the lack of other story lines. Thank you for articulating it in a way that I could not have!

  12. I'm a high school teacher so I just finished lesson plans for the next few weeks of classes. I decided to brave the waters and watch the last 2 episodes of season 4 (actually my Melbourne bred hubby wanted to see what I had been crying about several weeks back). Honestly, I wish I hadn't watched, despite the writing being brilliant. For the life of me I can't fathom the cruelty in ending the season this way, even after we have hashed the subject to bits. As you have already noticed , I'm still waiting for the red herring to appear for season 5(it's all in the color of the nursery-it's all blue,folks-that's a boy's nursery,). After reading other sources declaring that this opened new story lines etc., all I can say (especially after watching the painful last episodes)is that this ending was so unnecessary and has not left me "with a taste for more".Of course I cried myself silly. I honestly tried to let myself "be converted" or convinced that maybe there is silver lining in Patrick's death and we'll be watching to see Nina's further adventures as a single woman with a child.
    But frankly I cant see it nor do I have the desire to see season 5 at this point. So I'll repeat what we've all been saying-what on earth were the writers thinking?!!!!

  13. I agree, Shoshie. I’ve been a faithful viewer since the first episode, and have always been itching for more between seasons. I couldn’t get enough of this great show.
    However, I’m in no rush to see what happens next year. I’d probably read reviews the following day and decide then if the season is still worth watching or not.
    Apart from Patrick’s death, I really hated the way Billie came back. That’s why I couldn’t feel warmth at her offering to cover for Nina if she cannot love the baby at the beginning.
    Billie apologised to Nina, but that was superficial and not enough.
    Nina, as a doctor, should have called her out on her issues instead of quietly agreeing with Billie to keep her on her side.
    Billie is mentally unstable at the moment, and she is in no way qualified to raise a kid. Before being ready to that, she first needs to seek help for her depression or, in my opinion, for her Bipolar Disorder.
    To keep me somewhat interested, the writers will need to tackle this issue. Otherwise, I’m done.

    1. I can't get the Billie and Nina will raise the kid too. Billie was completely off the rails in S4, Nina is super sad and I am sorry but I feel worried for a child raised by the two!!! As always in Offspring land they will have a few outrageous, dysfunctional episodes which issues will be forgotten with a "we are family" ending. Granted, families are like that but the underlying cracks and stresses do not magically disappear for an ep as on TV.

      Shoshie I think your posts are nicely articulated. It only makes me feel more sure that there were internal considerations at work regarding casting S5. The writers have probably done their best to work around it with not a lot of success. Milly

  14. Like Shoshie And Evie I a also done. Killing Partick so heartlessly was just plain stupid

  15. Felicity and Ladies,
    if you are looking for some excellent spring viewing I can high recommend Orange is the New Black. I've been housebound by flu and started watching it and am completely addicted. its based on the true story and novel by Piper kerman who finds herself serving 15 months prison time in a women's correctional facility for a crime committed in her early 20s when involved with a partner who was employed by a drug syndicate. Since those times, she has developed a law abiding average life. its really engaging from the first moments and features strong female characters which are fleshed out through different episodes, although piper is the main character.

  16. Nadene,
    You are spot on with Orange is the New Black. It's terrific nad the lead actress is perfect. I'm becoming sddicted as well.
    Absolutely the right medicine to either ween viewers from the Offspring depression caused by the last episodes or depression by series hiatus.
    I'll welcome all recommendations for great intelligent viewing-I'll add here that if you haven't watched "The Americans", do so. You'll be glued to your chair.
    But....we can still speculate about Offspring,correct?

    1. Hah - yes offspring away!!
      I liked the Americans too, such a complex mix of edgy Russians and American family life all set in the fabulous 80s.

  17. I loved The Americans too. I agree with the reviewer who noted how much more tension there is when there are no mobile phones (especially ones with xylophone ring tones). I loved Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell. Talk about a complex relationship. Nina's and Patrick's relationship was a walk in the park compared with Phillip's and Elizabeth's. It's a shame it didn't rate so well in Australia, but I'm looking forward to season 2.

  18. Hi Felicity its Wednesday - desperately hoping for another episode of your alternate Offspring story, you never know maybe someone will film your version of series 5 for the many fans who no longer want to engage with the official version

  19. Felicity, I'm another one who would love to read more if you would like to share it. I rewrote ep12 & 13 in my head, and then wrote it down in the last blog post comments section, ending with the 3 of them happy, alive, together at home, but haven't got further than that. I could if I tried I guess!

    What I was coming in here to say today was for some reason its only just occured me how RUDDY LAZY the writers were in using Patrick's death to reunite Nina and Billie - seriously, there wasn't another, clever, less tragic way to get those sisters back together? Billie would only pull herself together for her sister when her partner died?? I'm suddenly realy cross about this (again) - I should explain I've had a very emotional and anxious week, waiting for some medical resulst, which I now have, and everything is ok, but I've been teary and emotional. If S4 had had the happy ending we had all be anticipating, this last few days is exactly when I would have had an Offspring marathon as a lovely distraction for myself! Instead its still something that I try to avoid thinking about because I still feel physically ill that Patrick died, so close to the birth of his daughter.

    I'm about to sit down and watch some Big Bang Theory, or myabe try Its a Date or Upper Middle Bogan on iView, because I need to giggle!

  20. Felicity,
    I hope that the comments from those of us who expressed reservations over watching season 5 offspring haven't deterred you from writing your fabulous alternative versions. They and the comments they draw out are part of this wonderful "support group" that sustains this particular group of viewers. Please write more.
    Lou, you are spot on in your comments. They din't need the tragedy of death to prompt Billie into being there for here sister. Of course, this is what often brings people together, but there were other ways to do this.
    I too feel constantly disappointed in the outcome. I love to watch seaasons 2-4 online every now and then as a picker upper, the way i could watch "Friends" or "The Office" or even
    more serious things such as "Grey's Anatomy". It's like medicine- makes you feel something. So, I also loved my "Offspring" marathons.
    I'm also in an emotional tightspot these days- I live in a country which is currently under the threat of a chemical and biological action (as a response to the pending U.S. attack) taken by the regimes of Syria and Iran.
    Yes, real life is overwhelming enough-it would have been really nice to look forward to a love story that was constantly evolving despite the curves that life throws at the characters. So, even though we all have lives, families, work etc., we are allowed to be cross again. It really is hard to watch previous seasons and not feel ill. Episodes 9-11 of season 4 caused us to get excited and feel anticipation for not just the baby but how Nina and Patrick would deal with each other and their on going issues,which don't disappear or miraculously improve when children are born. Those of us with children will attest to that- our relationships with our "other half" can go from better to worse and vice versa.
    We still had tremendous empathy towards Billie and no matter what she had done, previous to Patrick's death, would have loved to see her character get some peace and solace in life.
    I agree with Lou- it can be almost painful to watch,especially the last 5 episodes of season 4.
    Is it odd that we haven't seen or heard of any recent interviews with any of the actors in Offspring,either in the newspapers or on talk shows? Usually one hears about other projects, films or shows involving the actors, during hiatus or the future. Do they have a gag order not to talk until they film season 5? If the lead male actor (whose character is supposedly in heaven) isn't coming back as a full time cast member due to other prospects abroad, why is there nothing written about future roles, with the exception of the Damian Parer story, already filmed in Australia? I know in the States or in the U.K. you always know what the actors are working on?
    Is this not the case in Australia?

    1. I don't think its an Australian thing but it is an offspring thing. other shows love doing big new actor promos. offspring production seems to like to have secrets from the audience- so they don't announce who will be starting in the show. If you remember Patrick's entry he wasn't on the credits until they revealed the would be the new doctor but was introduced in the show via Kate's birth story.
      this year they promoed that there would be a new doctor and then released an App which had clues etc which led to the name of the new doctor. Imagine if you had done that and it had led you to Eloise - what a waste of time. the only new cast member people were aware of was Joseph and this only happened because he tweeted how much he had enjoyed working with htem not because it was promoted prior to season 4.

    2. Shoshie, just wanted to say I hope you stay safe.

  21. I'm so glad I'm not the only who feels bereft of an emotional distraction now! I have so many family issues of my own that get me down, and Offspring was my happy place. I too still feel angry that they took that away from us! Sorry Nina, I feel more sorry for myself than for you.

  22. Emmerrr-
    Thank you so much for your kind wishes. Here's hoping that all of us, especially the children, remain safe.
    And I second your feeling about Offspring- not a happy place right now!

  23. Emmerrr
    you have summed up exactly how I feel. Thank you.
    I bought ever series of Offspring, 4 with a season pass, and used to watch past episodes but do not think I can ever watch again now- too painful

    1. I hear you Nadine. I was planning to introduce some friends to the series but I can't watch the old episodes anymore either. I bought the first three seasons from itunes towards the end of season 3. Between seasons 3 and 4 I watched seasons 2 and 3 again, some episodes an alarming number of times! Was saving season 1 to watch with the friends I was going to introduce to the show, didn't have enough interest in non-Patrick episodes to find the time to watch them by myself. Luckily I hadn't bought season 4 yet because it would have been a waste.

      I will be really interested to see how the ratings go next year. I've been thinking about the increase in viewers for those final two episodes. Who watches a show just to see a character die? Will these people keep watching next season? I can't imagine because I can't identify with that. Will those of us who feel ripped off and don't want to watch anymore outnumber the new viewers? Would a decrease in audience matter to anyone apart from the advertisers? As someone on here pointed out, Offspring probably wouldn't be funded beyond season 5.

    2. Oops, sorry Pam and Nadene, I meant to write "I hear you Pam" not "I hear you Nadine". I even spelt Nadene's name wrong! Must remember to proof read before I post!

  24. Hello ladies! Emmerrr, I have been wondering about Offspring’s ratings next year, and the sort of audience the show will have.
    Some of us, regular faithful viewers, did not have the stomach to tune in for Patrick’s funeral and yet, the show scored its season peak in ratings.
    It makes me wonder if a whole new public has come onboard – one more inclined to watching soap operas.
    So all this made me think if that was the writers purpose when they so obviously decided to change the parameters of the show; to generate over the top drama for its 5th and last season and gain a wider audience.
    I’m not sure they realised that, in the process, the public who has been there all along might just look for better options.

    PS. Shoshie, please stay safe!

  25. Has anyone else considered that maybe Matt Le Nevez didn't want to have to portray a father? Perhaps he felt that might narrow the field of characters he would be chosen to portray in the future.

  26. Hi all-thanks for the good wishes!
    Evie, I think that you are correct-the writers may feel that they have found a new market, one that thrives on the sensationalism of a soap,.It's hard to believe this, though, because the writers are so insightful and profound. However, as we know, they receive their funding from other sources. These sources want ratings, so this could explain changing the parameters. I don't believe that when they came up with the concept of Patrick's death, they anticipated the connection that the viewers had with the character, and it goes beyond Matt Le Nevez' physical appeal,which is certainly a factor. He's mesmerizing to watch, given ,but he's a wonderful actor. I watched The Society Murders and some boxing film, (forgot the name) and he's extraordinary. He's better as a brooding, dark type (Heathcliff, maybe?)but showed a remarkable tender side in the last episodes. Everyone, men and women alike, love this guy and Le Nevez' popularity has soared. If he chooses to stay in Australia and not chase fame elsewhere, he could become the most sought after actor and portray wonderful roles in film, stage and television. Many great actors prefer not to waste their talent guest starring in some third rate Hollywood show, They stay in Australia and give first rate performances
    in quality venues. So, my guess is that the writers or producers never thought that viewers may not want to view a non-Patrick Offspring, despite Asher Keddie's and Kat Stewart's presence on the show.
    Secondly, Emmerrr may be right. the actor doesnt want to be typecast as a Dad (he's really young, 34 or 35 but looks older). He's quite a bit younger than Asher Keddie but they make sparks on the screen. Anyway, I doubt this was the problem. Frankly, the ratings won't be great unless there is something riveting and unforseen in the season 5 opener and first episodes.Something to make you gasp and breathless, in an intelligent way, and unable to take your eyes off the screen. The non viewers who tuned in just for the death and funeral sensation will have already started watching something else and May 2014 is a long time off. Not a word written about Matt Le Nevez appearing in the States either in the American sources or Austalian sources. They only write about Kat Stewart and Kate Jenkinson, who appear in other things.
    By the way, plenty of actors portray fathers and are still given a large choice of other roles to portray.

  27. If I may add one more thing before being offline for the next 30 or so hours, I found something quite interesting.
    My daughter saw a behind the scenes look while the cast was filming an episode (5 or 6 )from season 4. It was Asher Keddie and Matt Le Nevez speaking,the same behind the scene video when they discussed how they felt when they were told that the writers were planning on having Patrick die.
    They talked about Nina's and Patrick's relationship, how the writers needed to have them grow together, to finally be a real couple in season 4, how it wouldn't be fair to the viewers to have them get together and break up all the time.
    So doesn't it seem very , very odd that they would opt to break them up permanently? Just adding my two cents.
    A good weekend to all!

    1. Shoshie from what I have read the main thing keeping MLN in the states is his girlfriend of several years. I read she was a spinal surgery consultant and that her job very important to her. Such a pity because as you say he would be in constant demand in Australia. The good news is he maintains always happy to come back for extended stays for good roles. I don't think playing a dad would worry him, he was one in Society Murders.

  28. Just wanted to comment that I watched Asher Keddie's episode of 'It's A Date'. Her comic timing is just so good! What a fantastic actress she is!
    All this made me reminiscence Offspring's old days. Nina was a great character played by one of Australia's finest actresses.
    It is a pity that it all went downhill.

  29. Just wanted to drop in and say that I have loved reading your continued thoughts on Season 5,and that we are still all on the same page with how we feel. Weeks later and I am still so pi#$%d off with how everything ended. Still find myself thinking about what 'could have been' and love that I am amongst like thinkers here!
    Have resorted to watching Season 2-ahh the broody, sexy Patrick of those days-but still tinged with sadness given that we now know he was on borrowed time. I too think that I will find it difficult to watch Season 5, knowing all the possibilities that could have awaited Nina and Patrick and their new family.
    Thanks for the continued and thoughtful discussions

  30. I’m another one who, weeks after the season ended, still feels sick about Patrick dying before meeting his child and I am still very sure I won’t be tempted to watch season 5 – Offspring for me, is very sadly gone, after loving seasons 2-4 (well, season 4 up to 10 minutes before the end of ep12), I didn’t watch season 1 so was never invested in Dr Chris. I loved ep 12 & 13 of both season 2 and season 3, and was so looking forward to the assumed happy ending of season 4, so I feel quite ripped off.

    Having just had Father’s Day, how awesome would an episode have been in season 5 with a live Patrick, around Father’s Day – wouldn’t have had to have much Patrick, could have had the focus on other characters, but think back to the Jimmy-being-jilted-by-Tammy ep in season 2 where there were only 2 scenes with Nina and Patrick bookending the episode but with huge impact (sexy stitching Patrick’s forehead scene and conversation with Nina on phone outside the pub). So in my mythical season 5 ep, Fathers Day could focus on Jimmy as Alfie’s Dad, also Mick who has missed out on fatherhood, plus Philip who has missed so much but trying to catch up, Joseph trying to step into Isabella’s life, Skype reference to Darcy, maybe even Clegg in his unconventional fatherhood, and then Patrick.

    I see Nina waking Patrick up on Father’s Day with baby daughter in arms, and breakfast in bed, and all her happy chatter and baby cooing and “happy first real Father’s Day.” Patrick, trying to be absorbed in his daughter’s first Father’s Day but in his head, which Nina has tactlessly forgotten, he’s had however many unspoken Father’s Days previously, as Gus’ father, which were real to him. Somewhere in the day’s celebrations (Proudman chaos at Geraldine’s house) with the various families, maybe Nina talking to Mick about what he’s missing, she realises how tactless she was. The ep ends, at the end of the day, after they have tucked their daughter into her cot, Nina apologises to Patrick for her thoughtlessness and that of course this isn’t his first real Father’s Day. Some quiet chat about what he lost with Gus but now gained with Nina and baby daughter before they climb into bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  31. Loved it Lou - wouldn't it be fab if those who write/produce shows like Offspring paid some attention to what their viewers actually want. I also still feel really ripped off by Season 4 ending and frankly have no interest in Season 5

  32. If only Lou, if only...
    At least we can use our imaginations to come up with what 'might have been', still really surprised that the Offspring writers couldn't find any other option (but then given how up & down Season 4 was ...) Came across an interview with dear old Deb Oswald which I was yet to see, and loved this response from her regarding her disbelief to how we reacted to Patrick's death

    'Last night I cautiously looked at the social media. I had forced myself to stop looking at blogs and Facebook during the week; the load of negative comments was starting to wear me down. I was particularly unnerved by the comments suggesting the makers of the show have been duplicitous and out to trick the audience. I am currently writing scripts for series five so I decided it was healthier not to look at such commentary!
    Really Deb, really?
    The interview ends with this:
    'As we reach the end of season four, I hope people will stick with Nina to see how she copes with her new circumstance, trusting that joy and fun can exist alongside the sadness.' Well I guess that time will tell how many of us 'stick' with Nina.

    Here's a link to the interview

  33. Lou, that was some thoughtful writing. I loved it! I wish fans' versions would have been played out instead...
    Pam, this season was really a chain of regretful events which culminated with Patrick's death. I don't know any of the Proudmans anymore. This season they were ALL so over the top that they began to irritate me. I've would never have imagined that, given the fantastic group of actors involved and how much I used to love Offspring.
    But the script was terrible.

  34. Grr. I didn't enjoy reading about the claims by Deb Oswald or anyone else involved with producing the show that they cried a lot over Patrick's death. Not that I don't believe them. But generally I can't bring myself to feel sympathy for murders! Yes a bit OTT I know but you guys probably get it!

  35. Thanks for the positive feedback!

    Another grrrrr to Deb Oswald from me - it was supposed to be a comedy/drama, I still really argue there was no need to be soap opera-ish about it and kill off a beloved character, why do we "need" to see joy and fun alongside sadness, why the need for sadness at all.

  36. Lou- Great writing! Why aren't you a professional writer? Why can't you write for Offspring? Keep them coming! I'd much rather read your optimistic scenarios than watch the dismal first episodes of the coming season.
    I don't understand how Debra didn't see this coming- the viewers reactions , that is. The last 5 episodes of season 4 showed the metamorphisis of Patrick intot this great guy, albeit still scarred. Killing him off infuriated the viewers. Not because he is eye candy- because of the story dynamic.
    Did Debra and the other writers not realize how invested all were in this dynamic and would later express dismay on the social media? Maybe if they had darkened Patrick's character a bit or introduce difficulty in his relationship with Nina, then we may not have been as devastated. Yet they chose to let this couple finally get to a place in which they put each other first above all others, they chose to portray them as a couple that wasn't just together because they werer expecting a baby. This was deceptive, contrary to Debra Oswald's comments. When we finally were able to breathe a sigh of relief for Nina, when we were able to see Nina understanding that her new little family would be as important as her other family nad how much Patrick loved her-devastation.
    As viewers we expect to be treated in an intelligent manner. We do understand that tragedy strikes in the most unexpected or untimely fashion. However, this demolished the main story line for many, many viewers and left us thinking "Do I really want to be a part of this?" If it wasn't so awful, we all wouldn't continue to write to this blog or have others comment on facebook etc. We really cherished the quality of the show and that's why we're so distraught? Did the writers not realize that this was going to be the result of their decision to write off Patrick's character? I'm a history teacher so when I watch films such as Saving Private Ryan or Galipolli or Ghandhi, I can stomach the tragedy of "the main characters"- But here... Debra Oswald surely must have known that breaking up the main story line would enrage and an lose more than a few viewers.
    Oh folks, I hope we were all duped and maybe Debra will restore the universe to its rightful state. Maybe this was all some character's nightmare as a result of a car accident or drug use and Patrick's death really didn't occur.Maybe....

  37. Nice work Lou!

    Lisy, the writers are being disingenuous I think. I mean come on you are selling a TV show, no one is so naive as to believe that the writers have free rein and the death of Patrick is an organic outcome of that. They know their audience, they monitor social media, they know the likely outcome. Had Patrick not been so popular he may well have been written out earlier.

    Like Evie i just find S4 very jarring on the whole. The last 2 eps I saw after they were televised and to be honest I was a little surprised by the adulation. Something just wasn't right from the word go about this season. The script was terrible.

  38. SombreFilly-what an astute observation!It never crossed my mind that the character of Patrick was never mewant to be such an integral part of the story and perhaps was slated to be written out earlier. So, due to the appeal of the character (the actor) and the chemistry of the main romantic leads, the powers that be, meaning the producers and sponsers pressure the writers to write Patrick in for another season or two.
    What was said regarding season 4 rings true- it was written on a much different level than seasons 2-3. Season 4 was sloppy, comical but not in a wry, clever manner. Nina's character sometimes appeared to be bufoonish and too silly, not endearing. The scriptwriting was a letdown. I felt as if I were on a see-saw taken from the sublime to the ridiculous. There just wasn't consistency as there was in the previous season. I wouldn't say that the scripts were always terrible. Much as I dread talking about the last 2-3 episodes of season 4, they in fact were well written. In season 2-3, the question of love between Patrick and Nina seemed real, at times painful, at times questionable but not silly. The last season (with the exception of the last 2 episodes) seemed to focustoo much on their sex life and very little dialogue. That's why the finale seemed so incongruous-it seemed out of place with the rest of the season. I still watched faithfully but I imagine that I did so because of the love story of Patrick and Nina and what I had hoped would evolve in season 5.
    My two cents....

    1. I don't think all the episodes were terrible either. I think there were 6 out of the 13 that I really liked as episodes (although I can't say I enjoyed 12 and 13 but I do think they were well written episodes). its just that the other 7 episodes in particular were just awful. The problems with the episodes I didn't like such as ep 2 & 3 in particular the ridiculous almost farcical caricaturing of Nina (arm flapping)and others, the poorly formed Eloise story and the lack of any professional behaviour in the hospital. I hope they fix those things next season.

    2. Hi shoshie I am pretty sure TV series have flexible storylines. They would have surely gauged the reaction to Patrick before deciding on furthering the story with him as a character. As we have always said it would have been far better for them to say they wanted the big dramatic moment and left it at that.

      The script was not always poor but I think it never rose to deliver a flawless episode (as Felicity points out even ep 13 had the usual set of problems). Too many Australian series are undone by scripts and I hope that changes at some point. And I just didn't feel Asher's performance this season. That was the saddest bit for me because I have always found her so good.

  39. I think Patrick's character grew a lot in Series 4, much more so than Nina's who was just plain silly most of the time till the last couple of episodes. We saw Patrick deal with his past through Eloise, and his support of a broken hearted Clegg.We saw him come to the realization of how good his life was through dealing with his sisters ex and we saw how supportive of Nina he became, especially his willingness to help her in her role of mentor to the whole mad Proudman clan. But most of all we saw how excited he was to be having a baby and we were so looking forward to seeing him as a father and supportive partner, in good and bad times, and that has now been ripped away from us. The problem the writers/producers face for Season 5 is that by the end of Season 4 many of us were just as invested in Patrick's character as we were in Nina's, some more so. And it was not mainly about the shirtless scenes, they were just the pretty wrapping on the whole gorgeous package that was Patrick.

    1. I agree. We were invested in Patrick not because of his attractiveness alone, but because he was an extremely interesting character.
      Patrick (and Jimmy, I would say) had grown the most during this season - and yet there was so much more to explore about his past, especially now that he was becoming a father.
      I would imagine him as overprotective, most likely, due to his past.
      There was really no need for this death. The character has so much development still ahead.
      I don't understand Ded Oswald's idea as to the show being more interesting with Patrick gone - especially since Kate Jenkinson will most likely be written off as well as she's going to the US.
      This basically means that Patrick's daughter will be raised single handedly by the Proudmans, without any influence from the Reids.

  40. I hope that I haven't insulted anyone when I state that I'm not inclined to be a really huge fan, as I have been thus far, during season 5. It isn't my intention to imply that the show isn't worth much now that Nina is alone, without Patrick. I merely felt that, for me personally, much of the reason why I was crazy about the show was due to the tender love story of Nina and Patrick. I certainly mean no disrespect to the writers of the show when I say that I think watching Nina raise her child on her own with only her eccentric family to help puts me off. As Evie stated, there was no reason forPatrick's death-there goes the character who has grown the most this past season. And as Sombre Filly stated, the writers and producers realized how essential (and how popular)Patrick's character was to the story. As she stated, even if the death had been "preordained", the writers certainly could have done things differently to bring about a different fate for the character who, in my humble opinion, was becoming the most interesting one to watch.

    1. I don't think you've insulted anyone Shoshie. I too won't be tuning in as religiously as I did, and it's not just because they killed off Patrick. I struggled through season 3. I thought the premise for Nina and Patrick breaking up was stupid, but I thought the actors did such a good job at portraying how heartbroken they both were. And ever the sucker for a happy ending, I loved it when they got back together in the end (quickest resolution in history).

      Season 4 always felt a bit off for me. Nina was a caricature, Geraldine was totally unlikeable, Billie spent the whole season behaving like a spoilt brat, Jimmy wanted an open relationship (despite declaring his love for Zara at the end of last season), and the less said about the hospital shenanigans the better. The only redeeming features for me were Phillip, Patrick and Mick. They were the only characters who showed any real semblance of humanity.

      I don't know why they killed off Patrick. Maybe it was for the ratings, maybe it was always going to happen, maybe it was because of actor availability. I'm inclined to think it was a combination of factors 1 and 3. I think season 5 will be the last season and I'm to find out what happens. The difference for me is I won't be waiting each week for Wednesday to roll around. Everyone in my family knew not to talk to me between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on Wednesday. It won't matter so much next year.

  41. Jenny,

    I mainly agree with what you have said but I still am sure killing of Patrick had nothing to do with actor availability - but that is in the past. I, like you, was riveted to each episode but I really doubt I will be able to engender the enthusiasm to watch season 5. in some ways that might be a good thing, maybe I was too obsessed with a TV show- which is very unlike me!

  42. Hi Everyone,

    Although I have never wrote here before I have been following Felicity's blog and all of your interesting comments and input for a while now. Like some others here I don't live in Australia and have started to watch Offspring a bit late. But since I have become quite a fanatic fan (and like PamW it's really unlike me to be obsessed with a TV show...).

    You all described very well how devastated you are with Patrick's death, with this ridiculous season 4 twist the show creators 'cooked' for us.

    I have to say that I have never experienced such an emotional breakdown over a TV show. In the weeks before ep 12, with these horrible promos they ran, I was already very upset and stressed and about a week before ep 12 I actually had a dream that Patrick dies, and woke up in tears and very sad, and stayed sad since. In the first few days after ep 12 aired I was grieving as if my own partner died – knowing all along how silly it is to feel this way. At the end, after all these weeks passed, and after the initial ( long ) shock, I'm left with mainly anger at the creators and writers. In Nina's own words: "Offensive, Offensive on so many levels".

    In the last few weeks since it happened I read every word that was written, by anyone, about it ( and by it I mean the show, the actors, the storyline, interviews with the creators, all of it ) in both the social media and in the more traditional media. I still don't know what went through their head. They are contradicting themselves in every second sentence. The MLN availability excuse is so lame even the producers used it in a very vague way – just saying they always knew they will need an exit plan for him – never actually saying he wanted out now. And even if we assume that they were genuinely afraid that MLN will ask to leave one day - So what? Are the other actors on the show signed with them for life? Was that a reason to kill in such a cruel way and timing such an organic part of the show?

    The most genuine thing I read from the producers / creators was that they felt it's time for new life, storyline, something like that. And I think that this was the real motive – they did not trust (themselves? ) that they will be able to make an interesting show having Nina and Patrick steady and happy. So they "jumped the shark" way before it was actually necessary (not that it ever is ). How stupid of them. How lazy. Sure, they have created 2 amazing heart wrenching (very well made and played) episodes ( 12 & 13). They write well (of course they do - they are the ones that made us fall in love with the show), but it is much easier to write tragedy. Let's see these people write funny and interesting and moving and emotional and intelligent and intriguing story line for a live and happy Nina & Patrick – and then I will know you are the best writers. Don't expect me to think highly of you because you managed to bring me and millions others to tears after you killed our favorite character. For some reason it reminds me of a great scene in season 2 when Patrick and Clegg play racket ball after Patrick told Nina about Gus and then felt he cannot be with her since she looks at him with pity. Clegg dismantle Patrick's logic in a very cool way telling him that it will be interesting to see him choose for once not to be that tragic person (I'm paraphrasing). I so wish Offspring creators had the courage follow their own advice ( through Clegg's words ) and to write season 5 with Patrick and Nina together as parents. I, for once, wouldn't miss one second of that show.

    1. orie, the racquet ball scene with Clegg and Patrick is possibly my favourite scene of Offspring. its so beautifully written. Season 2 had so many great moments like that. thank you for reminding me. I agree with your comments above regarding the decision to kill off Patrick. I will watch season 5 because I want to know how it ends - but it won't be the same as I feel the writers manipulated their audience and for some reason didn't want to give us what we wanted for Nina.

  43. Sorry everyone - just a few more words...

    As a devoted, passionate viewer, I feel ripped-off and I will never trust this show again.
    Obviously they think grief and misery make better material. I think they are wrong and I will simply not dare attach myself to any character they create as I cannot trust them anymore not to abuse my emotional attachment. If Nina is not allowed to be happy with Patrick she will obviously not be allowed to be happy with anyone!!! o.k – let's assume that 2 years will pass and she will meet someone and starts a new life with him and get to terms with everything and starts to be happy again. boom. no longer interesting - let's find a new story becomes a soap opera. ( not that I think they will last another 2 seasons...)

    And last, a huge compliment and thank you to Felicity. What you wrote is the first thing that provided me with some mental and emotional peace with the beautiful, well written alternative ending. Our mind is a smart and tricky organ… and its funny how after you read a different ending you can suddenly imagine it being true and now I have another "movie" playing in my head, and I don't have to imagine only what I saw on TV. I found it helping. I can actually imagine, very vividly, the story Felicity wrote and it's almost real...and since both options are actually fiction....who cares which one I choose to believe....

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Orie. I agree with everything you have said and think you've even managed to articulate still more of the thoughts I've had but haven't managed to subtly differentiate from what has already been said! "Don't expect me to think highly of you because you managed to bring me and millions others to tears after you killed our favorite character." This is exactly what I want to say to them, I feel like they're patting themselves on the back for creating such a response when really they're just f#@king with our mental health!

      I'm thinking back to when last season ended and we all dissected the year that had been. We discussed the possibility that they might kill of Darcy since he has little relevance these days. I thought a fair few of our wishes were played out, though generally in a superficial way. What a joke they played on us, safely sending Darcy off on a road trip and killing Patrick before we could indulge in the ultimate fantasy of seeing Patrick with his baby.

  44. Welcome, Orie! Thanks for sharing your thoughts publicly.
    I concur with every single word that you posted. Thank you for being so articulate and express your (and my!) opinions so well.

    I feel like S4 was just like killing time for the writers, until it was time to drop the bombshell. Everything was just so underdeveloped I started thinking I was watching a different show altogether.

    Like you, I don't comprehend the reasons why Patrick was killed. The reasons for his demise were so vague that all started to smell fishy for the plenty of detailed viewers out there.

    If the writers felt they couldn't deliver a happy Nina and Patrick in S4, they should have given more depth to the siblings' stories and therefore reduce P&N screen time.

    For example, Jimmy could have struggled a bit more to get his business afloat, have some friction with Zara due to working long hours when she wanted to reduce her working hours to spend more time with Alfie.
    What happened to that? I've got no clue.

    And Billie...nothing about her behaviour was explained to the viewer. She acted like a little girl having a fit because she lost her business, pushed away her husband away and even cheated on him with no reason whatsoever.
    So then we are to assume that she did it 'just because'. Ugh.

    I won't watch S5 just because of Patrick's absurd death. That was just the tip of the iceberg of an all incongruent season.

    To me it feels like S4 was all about giving the fans the shock of their lives, either with rushed story lines (Jimmy) or underdeveloped ones (Billie). There was a complete lack of depth and intrigue.

    This season really was "Offensive. Offensive on so many levels."

    1. Heartily concur with the comments above. I for one won't be watching S5. Stuck with S4 until the last 2 episodes hoping that the Nina Proudman role would finally get back on track.But thinking back, perhaps it was all leading up to a big final few performances for Asher Keddie. Wonder how how hard she fought to keep the Patrick,Nina and baby story line going.Remember reading somewhere that after the initial shock, she could live with the overall arc of where S5 could go. So disappointing.

  45. Every time I think I cannot be more upset with the show something new is coming up and I find myself even more annoyed. Today, after reading all of your thoughtful feedback on what I wrote, I remembered that a few month ago at work, over lunch, we talked about TV shows (nothing related to Offspring) and I said that the thing I hate the most is how the plot is suddenly changing in some shows, and a character is being killed (or gone in other ways) when an actor is no longer available. I think that with Offspring it is even worse than that. In most cases when it happens it annoyingly seems like it was done in a rush and it's obvious that it was done because the show did not have a choice – thus the sometimes ridicules outcome.

    As we know, in our case, the creators decided about Patrick's fate a long time ago, before starting to shoot season 4, if I'm not mistaken. They had time to plan this. To think about it. They actually initiated the story line NOT out of need, as we know now. They wrote the entire season KNOWING he will die at the end.

    So let's try and imagine what they thought: ok, Nina is pregnant. Let's show everyone that they are serious about their relationship and about parenthood and send them to counseling to work on their issues, and let's show that they can stay funny and flirtatious even when resolving their difficult issues. Let's make the counselor hot, so there is another obstacle they will have to overcome this season (and of course Patrick is passing this test with flying colors), Let Nina's 'Ninaness' be at its extreme and show that Patrick loves her anyway, let her meet his impossible father and get her even closer to his sister, let him grow and learn to live with his past. Let's show that even when she is pregnant their sex life is amazing. Let them struggle with a pregnancy scare and cry with them when they learn that everything is ok. Let's show everyone that this is a real grownup relationship and not a fairytale and show how both of them have some doubts about each other, but at the end realize that they belong together and choose one another – again. And without marriage, to show how devoted they are – they don’t even need formal bounds… And then – BOOM. Let's kill Patrick, a second before his baby is born, and tare them apart for good. Ha Ha Ha, how we fooled them. These blind devoted fans, they all thought we are developing this couple to show how love endure, but NO! We only made it so big and strong to achieve a stronger crash. We are actually "developing new storylines" for Nina. What nonsense is that ? How cruel and cynical? And, for god sake, WHY?

    I know some of us will tune in to watch season 5. Maybe I will even watch a few eps. But the truth is that the producers and creators and writers actually deserve 0% rating next year for the stunt they pulled. They actually deserve that NO ONE will ever watch it again.

  46. Welcome Orie- Very thoughtful comments!
    So, I've been computerless for the past 3 days and I just tuned in at 20:17 p.m. my time zone.
    Very powerful writing, ladies. Very strong sentiments.
    Orie, many of us echo your feelings- it may be inexplicable but we were drawn to this series and through it and thanks to Felicity, found our support group through this blog. Our comments are quite different from the random comments that may appear on Facebook. Most of us acknowledge the uniqueness of Offspring and are crazy about it but are so bitterly disappointed in the manner in which the season ended. We have commented about the season falling short with regard to character growth. The almost comical manner in which Nina conducted herself, with the exception of the 4 last episodes, were so disappointing. Yet, as was pointed out before, the story line was preordained months and months before. So, as Evie has stated, the writers had plenty of time tot take the focus off the main love story and really build up secondary characters. If MLN was really planning to leave by choice or not, building up the Nina and Patrick epic was indeed cruel. We all agree that nothing incredible was created by axing off the character. They certainly could have diminished his role while building up other substantial characters. They needed to add some dimension to the other characters and make their storylines as interesting and intriguing as NIna and Patrick's was in season 2-3 and in episodes 9-12 of season 4, after soem utterly ridiculous episodes. Perhaps, then, the intelligent and thoughtful viewers, such as ourselves, wouldn't have reacted as though the ground beneath us split open. But they didn't - how could they swerve away from the main love story without casting less attention on Nina, the main character. Perhaps they might have chosen to have second thoughts regarding Patrick or something else. But they chose to deepen the connection between them and show them evolving day to day, and we saw character growth. And had tremendous expectations for a season 5 with THESE 2 CHARACTERS. We all agree that it's not logical when the writers claim that they chose to "remove" MLN 's character for the sake of a new fresh storyline-utterly absurd!
    But maybe, and please don't get angry ladies, just maybe Asher Keddie didn't want to continue with the story. Maybe she felt as if she were being overshadowed by her co-stars (MLN and Kat Stewart). She seemed too cavalier when discussing the end of season four. I don't know how much influence she had in the writing of the show but I understand she had some part in it.
    Could she have been influential in the decision to remove MLN?
    She really showed her range as an actress in the last 2 episodes-I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. It's just that it seems logical- she may have wanted the deeper and more emotional storyline for season 5. Could it have been an ego decision?

  47. Welcome Orie- Very thoughtful comments!
    So, I've been computerless for the past 3 days and I just tuned in at 20:17 p.m. my time zone.
    Very powerful writing, ladies. Very strong sentiments.
    Orie, many of us echo your feelings- it may be inexplicable but we were drawn to this series and through it and thanks to Felicity, found our support group through this blog. Our comments are quite different from the random comments that may appear on Facebook. Most of us acknowledge the uniqueness of Offspring and are crazy about it but are so bitterly disappointed in the manner in which the season ended. We have commented about the season falling short with regard to character growth. The almost comical manner in which Nina conducted herself, with the exception of the 4 last episodes, were so disappointing. Yet, as was pointed out before, the story line was preordained months and months before. So, as Evie has stated, the writers had plenty of time tot take the focus off the main love story and really build up secondary characters. If MLN was really planning to leave by choice or not, building up the Nina and Patrick epic was indeed cruel. We all agree that nothing incredible was created by axing off the character. They certainly could have diminished his role while building up other substantial characters. They needed to add some dimension to the other characters and make their storylines as interesting and intriguing as NIna and Patrick's was in season 2-3 and in episodes 9-12 of season 4, after soem utterly ridiculous episodes. Perhaps, then, the intelligent and thoughtful viewers, such as ourselves, wouldn't have reacted as though the ground beneath us split open. But they didn't - how could they swerve away from the main love story without casting less attention on Nina, the main character. Perhaps they might have chosen to have second thoughts regarding Patrick or something else. But they chose to deepen the connection between them and show them evolving day to day, and we saw character growth. And had tremendous expectations for a season 5 with THESE 2 CHARACTERS. We all agree that it's not logical when the writers claim that they chose to "remove" MLN 's character for the sake of a new fresh storyline-utterly absurd!
    But maybe, and please don't get angry ladies, just maybe Asher Keddie didn't want to continue with the story. Maybe she felt as if she were being overshadowed by her co-stars (MLN and Kat Stewart). She seemed too cavalier when discussing the end of season four. I don't know how much influence she had in the writing of the show but I understand she had some part in it.
    Could she have been influential in the decision to remove MLN?
    She really showed her range as an actress in the last 2 episodes-I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. It's just that it seems logical- she may have wanted the deeper and more emotional storyline for season 5. Could it have been an ego decision?

  48. Welcome Orie- Very thoughtful comments!
    So, I've been computerless for the past 3 days and I just tuned in at 20:17 p.m. my time zone.
    Very powerful writing, ladies. Very strong sentiments.
    Orie, many of us echo your feelings- it may be inexplicable but we were drawn to this series and through it and thanks to Felicity, found our support group through this blog. Our comments are quite different from the random comments that may appear on Facebook. Most of us acknowledge the uniqueness of Offspring and are crazy about it but are so bitterly disappointed in the manner in which the season ended. We have commented about the season falling short with regard to character growth. The almost comical manner in which Nina conducted herself, with the exception of the 4 last episodes, were so disappointing. Yet, as was pointed out before, the story line was preordained months and months before. So, as Evie has stated, the writers had plenty of time tot take the focus off the main love story and really build up secondary characters. If MLN was really planning to leave by choice or not, building up the Nina and Patrick epic was indeed cruel. We all agree that nothing incredible was created by axing off the character. They certainly could have diminished his role while building up other substantial characters. They needed to add some dimension to the other characters and make their storylines as interesting and intriguing as NIna and Patrick's was in season 2-3 and in episodes 9-12 of season 4, after soem utterly ridiculous episodes. Perhaps, then, the intelligent and thoughtful viewers, such as ourselves, wouldn't have reacted as though the ground beneath us split open. But they didn't - how could they swerve away from the main love story without casting less attention on Nina, the main character. Perhaps they might have chosen to have second thoughts regarding Patrick or something else. But they chose to deepen the connection between them and show them evolving day to day, and we saw character growth. And had tremendous expectations for a season 5 with THESE 2 CHARACTERS. We all agree that it's not logical when the writers claim that they chose to "remove" MLN 's character for the sake of a new fresh storyline-utterly absurd!
    But maybe, and please don't get angry ladies, just maybe Asher Keddie didn't want to continue with the story. Maybe she felt as if she were being overshadowed by her co-stars (MLN and Kat Stewart). She seemed too cavalier when discussing the end of season four. I don't know how much influence she had in the writing of the show but I understand she had some part in it.
    Could she have been influential in the decision to remove MLN?
    She really showed her range as an actress in the last 2 episodes-I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. It's just that it seems logical- she may have wanted the deeper and more emotional storyline for season 5. Could it have been an ego decision?

  49. Shoshie, I love reading your comments and everyone else's,and I'm so happy I found Felicity's blog. I was not sure I have something to add to all of your smart insights, but felt I have to write, even simply as a therapeutic mean, and I'm glad I did – as it really does feel like a support group…

    I'm not sure about your Asher Keddie 'conspiracy theory'.For sure not angry about it... I would obviously like to think it's not true. I read in many interviews how she tells about the first time she was told about the decision to kill Patrick and about her extremely emotional reaction to it. I would like to think (or believe…) that once the decision was made she stood behind the producers and supported it, much like MLN did, by the way. I mean, it was very obvious he was not happy about it, but he was very respectful of it. And in a way she has a more difficult job – she is still in the show – she cannot come out against their decision without hurting her situation with the show. I have no idea how strong or influential she is with the production, but this is what I choose to believe….

    I also think that if she indeed have the ability to influence the writers, and she wanted a deeper, more emotional story line, she could have made it happen during season 4 itself. Why wait for season 5? And by making it happen I don't mean killing Patrick earlier….but directing the story in a more serious direction, as oppose to some of the ridicules episodes we had to, painfully, watch this season.

    1. Yeah, I agree with you Orie. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't buy into this conspiracy theory. In the behind the scenes for episode 13, both Matt and Asher looked visibly upset discussing the storyline. Matt also said that they both cried when they first found out Patrick was going to die and that the first day back on set was upsetting and tearful.

      I suspect that neither of them were huge fans of the decision but they were gracious in supporting it anyway. It's also part of their job to frame everything in a positive way when they're doing publicity. I don't think either of them had the power to change the storyline. Matt said the decision was mutual, but 'mutual' could equate to passive acceptance. I've heard them talk about suggestions they've made to the writers, and I get the impression that their input was relatively small things here and there, nothing huge or game-changing.

      When it comes to the ego factor, I personally don't see that as plausible. Orie, I completely agree - if Asher really did have the power to influence the writers (i.e. if she wanted more challenging or emotional material), I don't think we would've seen the Eloise storyline or any of the shallow things Nina was worrying about for at least the first half of season 4. The main reason Nina became unsympathetic was that she had vacuous storylines - although, in truth, even the serious storylines(for all the characters) appeared superficial because they weren't explored deeply enough or for long enough. If Asher wanted storylines with emotional depth, what was with all the scatty hospital scenes? There were so many scenes that were clearly a misguided ploy for comedic effect - scenes that did not drive the story in any way.

      Just as an aside, the Aussie TV industry is a very small one. With an industry so small, you can't afford to be unprofessional or outwardly egotistical because there's a good chance you'll work with the same people again and almost everybody knows each other and things spread quickly through word of month. Offspring was the third time Asher and Matt worked together, the first being a pilot for Channel 7 that was never commissioned into a series and the second being The Society Murders. They also have the same Australian agent, Lee-anne Higgins. I'm not saying they are bosom buddies but if you've followed Matt's twitter over the past two years or heard anecdotal stories from them, it's fairly obvious they didn't have it in for each other.

    2. Yes I agree Gracie, I think the relationship between Asher and Matt was a good one and was respectful. Matt did seem a bit more upset in the behiind the scenes but I think a lot of that was the "this is the last time I'll do this, work with these people on this set stuff" where as Asher knew she was continuing. I've even seen press articles where Asher was quotes asking a staff member how Matt was after the wrap party indicating care and friendship.
      I think it was purely a production decision - they wanted to change the story for the sake of ratings

    3. Nadene, thanks for articulating that. Yeah, Matt seemed very nostalgic and it was interesting to hear him talk about how he didn't want to gild the lily too much.

      I know the article you're talking about! I've also seen Matt say that he, Lachy and Asher made a bet over whether he could grow a moustache in time for the filming of Howzat. Little things like that indicate that they had a good relationship.

  50. So now I understand that the reasoning behind the script was more or less for the ratings. I have noticed that Aussie actors pop on on the same series as their colleagues often so I realize that egos are more or less kept in check, as opposed to American actors.
    It is clear that many of us were less than thrilled with the writing of most of season 4. It's encouraging to realize that we, as viewers, have high standards and won't be satisfied with poor writing and ludicrous storylines which belittle and demean the characters. We've invested emotion in these cahracters and don't appreciate seeing them and the fine actors who portray them appear ridiculous.
    I keep asking myself why Im still upset with the season finale. I've read many books with tragic endings, seen films that were unsettling and have witnessed personal tragedy and heartache, as every one else has.
    And again, all the above comments which you all have written make sense and give me the answer: first of all, no one saw the fianle as a logical continuance to the rest of the season. Secondly, it ws as if we were emotionally ambushed-no one saw it coming, despite the moronic promos by Channel 10.
    Thirdly, we wanted our heroine to get the happy ending that she deserved. Love is evasive enough in life and we all want to believe that there are fairy tale endings, even and maybe especially for the neurotic and emotionally damaged characters.
    In addition, the show is set to run until and including season 5. It could have been one of those great series which would have been syndicated over the years and watched over and over again. The clever writing, the brilliant acting, the characters who are as flawed as the rest of us poor mortals.
    Most of season 4 felt like a comical farce or heartbreaking tragedy- very little happy medium. To write a season 5 constructed like that would prevent the series from becoming a legend.What a shame!!
    Lastly, and on a more selfish note, I fell in love with Nina and Patrick's relationship. Not a fairytale, mind you, but a couple in a situation which was more or less accidental, despite their love for each other, overcoming the real issues that life throws at us, as couples, as parents and as children. Could have been the stuff that dreams are made of.
    Now that's good television.
    So I guess this means that there is no red herring and no subconscious dreams and no comatose state of being, no sliding doors theory and Patrick isn't going to be one of those rare , rare cases that regains consciousness when he hears that the doctors planning to harvest his organs. And when he does, he remembers everything but has total amnesia when it comes to Nina. Or is that too soap operaish? Have I gotten carried away?

  51. I love this blog! I do think that Asher may have become a little upset about how popular Matt had become. It's been long understood that the show was written for her and that she had a lot of control. She made me really angry whe she said how proud she was of Offspring that it had been brave enough to explore killing off one of the main characters ( she did not put it quite so bluntly as I have) also read the article that Nadene referred to but it was about the season 3 wrap party. I heard on the grapevine Matt too upset to go to season 4 wrap- not sure if that is accurate or not

  52. Hi Pam- When I read your comment, I realized that it may not have been a figment of my imagination-Asher Keddie possibly feeling a bit unsettled at MLN's popularity. But then, the other bloggers commented that Aussie television isn't run in the same fashion as American or English television. It is a smaller based operation with many of the same producers, directors,sponsers and actors. Asher's primary work is with the above sources-as the saying goes "You don't want to bite the hand that feeds you".
    As an expatriate American who has lived abroad for over 30 years, I appreciate the talented and trained Australian and British performers more than many of their American counterparts. The measure of humility,the seemingly lack of conceit and egocentricities and the willingness to work in their craft in their country for a fraction of the glory and monetary benefits which the U.S. offers (if you're lucky enough to catch the ever elusive break). Not all that glitters is gold in the U.S.-too fake for my taste. But it doesn't mean that an actress approaching forty, despite her unbelievable talent and appeal, isnt possibly threatened by her younger Adonis costar who makes Jonathan Rhys Meyers look bland in comparison. Does Heathcliff ring a bell-dark and brooding?
    But enough with unfounded suspicion-it doesn't become us.
    I'm a history and English as a foreign language teacher but I missed my calling as a police detective or criminologist. So I'm looking for a loose thread that would give some hope that the outcome of season 4 isn't really the outcome that we think it is. Could the writers be clever and creative enough to have us believe that the outcome of season 4 episodes 12-13 is final and then pull off a stupendous, daring, astonishing and , of course, romantic beginning for season 5?
    This hope and this amazing blog and its bloggers is the only reason to possibly peak at season 5, very nonchalantly, of course. So I'm the only lunatic who feels this way, correct?

  53. I had an experience that I want to share with you all and believe it or not, it sums up how many of us related th the finale of Offspring.
    My husband's cousin was diagnosed with a disease called ALS. This is the same disease which has afflicted the greatest mind in physics, Stephen Hawkins. In his case, the disease has been stopped in its tracks, albeit with damage done. In most cases, every organ in the body shuts down, leaving the patient's body debilitated, helpless and totally dependent on constant care. The patient will almost certainly die .However, the mind remains alert, conscious of the fact that the body is failing. It is an incredibly cruel disease. There were studies which indicated that stem cells may be able to arrest the disease or even reverse certain effects. This cousin and his wife, who wanted to have a third child, decided to try nad have a child prior to the disease worsening. Thus, they would try to use the fetus' stem cells to save our cousin. Unfortunately, his conditioned deteriorated quickly and the stem cell issue became a non issue. He passed away, leaving a wife and three children.He wasn't even lucid in the end to have a relationship with his children or even get to hold his baby.
    This is not a moral commentary on that issue.
    We felt so distraught and yes, in a bit of grief, when the character of Patrick died in Offspring. We felt outraged that a man who had lost his first child was cheated out of the experience of seeing, touching and loving his new child. It's a cruelity beyond belief in "real" life and cetainly one that we cannot fathom in Offspring. Our outrage just emphasizes our humanity, our sensitivity and our sense of justice.
    When the real life tragedy occured, our devasted extended family had time to process it over the few years in which our cousin suffered. However tragic his illness and death were, he was well until his second child turned 12. He was able to literally enjoy his children.
    Curtailing the life of a character who had just gotten his act together,who had suffered a stillborn birth, who had not gotten to enjoy the joys of fatherhood but was so keen to do so, did not provide thought provoking ground breaking television. Yes, these things may happen in life but we never recover from them- we just continue living with the greatest pain. Was there no other course for the writers to take other than this one? I know that there have been storylines which are true to life but , in retrospect and after experiencing a family member's demise in such a cruel manner, I think the writers could have chosen a more humane ending.
    If I want to be spooked and deal with unbearable sadness, I can watch Criminal Minds or the film Silence of the Lambs-but Offspring? Come on, really?

  54. I'm another one, still here, still reading, still agreeing with everything said, still finding this blog like therapy.

    Most definitely the Australian industry is so small, no one can afford to burn their bridges, so absolutely we will never hear the full 100% truth.

    I'm still saddened we don't get to explore a Nina & Patrick happily-ever-after, I'm still sickened Patrick didn't get to meet his newborn daughter, I'm still angry at the writers/producers for deciding to go this path.

    I keep seeing the ads & posters for the S4 DVD, which I absolutely would have bought (I have S1-3) had there been the anticipated happy ending - and would have watched over and over again - well I now refuse to buy it and let anyone have the revenue from my purchase. It's the only protest I can make! And I see the cover shot with Nina centre-stage & Patrick sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, and I just feel so ripped off all over again. I loved this show so much, how clever it was, and now its such disappointment & loss.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Right there with you Lou, on all counts. Weeks later and still so peeved off that this is how it all ended. So much for 'listening to their fans'! Don't think we ever mentioned killing Patrick, Offspring writers. Started watching Season 2 but couldn't do it knowing that there would never be a happy ever after. Can't find any excitement for Season 5. How different to how we were all feeling this time last year.

  57. I'm still here as well. It's been a month since S4 finale and I still feel as betrayed and annoyed as I first was. And, like many of you, I don't think my feelings will change any time soon.

    I just cannot understand the reasoning behind such cruel decision.
    Life is just sometimes too hard and you just want a reprieve while watching tv - not further sadness.
    The premise of the show has changed, and I really don't think how the authors can bring back the humour after what happened to Patrick. He will still remain in the minds of all faithful viewers who dare to tune in for S5.

    And what makes me even more upset is the idea that Nina can go back to dating as if nothing has happened.
    If S5 is the last, in my opinion the writers should leave Nina's love life alone and let her concentrate in being a mother to a fatherless daughter.

    Just as death happens in real life, any person who has just become a widow and a mother at the same time will not jump into a new man's arms all of the sudden. That's the truth.
    I hope the writers do their remaining fans a favor and do not disrespect fans even further.

  58. I hope the writers do their remaining fans a favor and do not disrespect them even further.

  59. The annoying thing, in a way, is the fact we are still talking about it, which is what the writers wanted when they made this decision. As Felicity said before, they have been waiting for a water cooler moment.
    The fact is, we are still debating the ending, when if it had been a decent ending we'd all be happily waiting for the next series rather than talking on here...

  60. I agree in part with axel. Perhaps this is what the writers wanted, or any good writer would want- to leave you pondering, deliberating, debating,"waht if"" could have been".That's supposed to last for a week or two.MAny of hte shows fans are only waiting for their "lol" moments in season 5 and reveled in the moments which we felt ridiculous or absurd in season 4.

    I still beleive, however, that the main writers weren't only trying to appeal to that target audience, those who want to see newly widowed Nina's antics as she raises baby with overbearing family and embarks on zany dating scenes wit hangel on her shoulder Patrick (think of Jiminy Cricket) to be her compass-ughh!!! You know how I feel, folks. I will only settle for Patrick's resurrection from the dead (well, not literally) or seeing them on screen together in the flesh. Yet for other viewers who watch the for humane, thought provoking drama, minus the heart gutting tragedy, I beleive that the writers won't, hopefully, stoop to a low level and in oneshort season , give Nina some new quicky love interest. That ain't how lifeworks and would be insulting to the viewers such as ourselves. On the other hand, keeping her a single loveless Mom would be a horrific way to end the series altogether.
    Also unacceptable. I beleive that the writers have gotten themselves up the proverbial creek without a paddle. As I've said before, it would take a miracle in the writing to get me to invest in this show again. All of you bloggers who live in the Victoria\Melbourne can do a bit of spy work when the filming for season 5 commences in October. If you can suss out if MNL is indeed in the country sometimes during this filming and for an extended period, there may be salvation at hand.

  61. Still here too and alas still far from over it. Like Lou I have watched former series over and over ( have both dvds and iTunes versions so I can watch on iPad) and I bought a season pass for Series 4 but cannot bear to watch any of them again - do not want to see the build up of the Nina/Patrick (and baby) love story now I know it has ended in absolute tragedy. Like Evie I want my TV viewing to be a bit of an escape from the harshness of real life. I will never forgive Offspring writers/producers from ruining my all time favorite TV show

  62. Just wanted to say that I only found this blog after "the" episode, and like others have said, have found it like therapy to try and come to terms with the death of a loved character and more importantly the death of my favourite show. That is why it has hit me so hard, i looked forward to Offspring as an escape from real life - a chance to laugh, cry and sometimes cringe, but always enjoy. Now it is pretty much ruined. After watching all the seasons again - season 2 is by far the best, and in my head i will be pretending the series ends at season 3.
    Its like the writers/producers forgot why everyone loved the show - it was drama with a large dose of comedy. It wasn't Love My Way where the drama was centre stage and you could handle the death of a character (although I also found that devastating and a huge shock, but being in the first season it served to set up the show). In this case the death, as far as i can see, does not open up doors for the show to return to the way it was in season 1-3. It will be a miracle if they can.
    I saw on another site that filming for Offspring will start on 7th October and end in February - I found that even more frustrating because I think MLN would have made himself available for that short time period. Part of me can understand that when the producers were planning season 4 and 5 they thought that MLN was too good to be able to commit to 2 seasons when he was auditioning in the US and needed to be available if something came up there. But at the same time filming is done in a short period and as many others have said there were so many storyline options that could have allowed MLN to not be present in, or be a major part of, every episode. I for one would have been quite happy with just a few minutes of Patrick and Nina at the start/end of each episode - particularly if they had let slip about the option of killing him off. Viewers would have forgiven anything if they knew that was an option.
    I have loved reading all your comments, particularly about season 4. When watching the first time around I was a bit caught in the Nina and Patrick love bubble so didn't fully see some of the silliness that is so obvious when you rewatch the episodes. It is like they forgot to write Nina as a character we could trust (as a doctor) and believe in. I agree totally with what was said about feeling duped that they spent the whole season building up their relationship and making me fall in love with Patrick so much more as you saw him as a caring partner and expectant father - only to have it all ripped away. It ruins the whole season and I am really interested to see if they can turn it around in Season 5. As I said though, I think I'll continue to think of it as a 3 season series for now.
    Thanks for providing a place for me to vent - I find it amazing that I am still so upset by this and find comfort in knowing there are others out there feeling the same.

  63. Like many here I also wonder how, so many weeks later I still feel devastated. I was hoping that by now I will at least be able to watch again past seasons and enjoy them, but I have no desire to do so, now that I know how it all ends.

    I think that another reason for how badly we all reacted and still reacting to Patrick's death (many good reasons were mentioned here by all of you) might be that we all feel extremely disoriented. It's almost like we are experiencing a cognitive dissonance. The reality (of our favorite TV show) contradicts our basic beliefs about it. And the crash is big.

    I think some viewers are trying to resolve this dissonance by saying that the show simply imitates life: "anything can happen" anytime and things happen in a random way. I find it silly. And I apologize to anyone that it hurt by me saying this. Life IS random. What happened in Offspring was anything BUT random. Even the decision to kill Patrick before seeing his daughter and not after was carefully thought about – as was explained in one interview I read with the creators.

    Many of you think the show will not go on beyond season 5. I think so too, but I think the producers were hoping that this new (horribly stupid) story line will give the show "new life" and will enable them to go far beyond season 5. I do not believe they would have killed Patrick if they knew it will result in ratings decline and that it will end the show at the end of season 5. I really think they got into their mind somehow that a happy Nina & Patrick will not make a good & interesting show. And this is what kills me – it shows them as such coward and mediocre that it blows my mind that the same writers brought us these character to begin with.

    In my professional life (managing consumer good companies) I've seen more than once how people and departments and companies get in love with an idea that for a stranger from the outside it takes only a second to realize how bad it is. I wish there was someone in that writing / production room that had the guts, courage and honesty to play devil's advocate and give the creators a good slap, spank that would wake them up and then just bluntly tell them how wrong the direction they go in.

  64. While I have moved on, I drop by now and then because I have contributed in the past and its interesting to hear different voices as well as thoughts from the regulars a few weeks on. Lots of interesting insights - while Offspring is not a personal No.1 show, its interesting to see how much it resonates with its audience.

    Purely by chance I heard from someone in the industry that there were problems that meant the ending of S4 was decided. You never know how true stories are, things get distorted along the way and I don't want to be New Idea:). But we all know from our professional lives - and hell if you look at auspol! - that these things can happen.

    So let's assume the character had to die. It happens in TV land. They are not obliged to explain it to their viewers. Neither should viewers speculate because we can never know the true behind the scenes story. But all the more reason that they should have come up with a S4 that had less silliness, more depth and more room for other characters as mentioned above. Instead viewers saw a season that was best articulated by Evie (Sep 6, 11:09 AM).

    Sure people are still talking about it. But even to the most rusted on viewer, ep 12 left an unpleasant feeling which they have to rationalise because of their loyalty to the show. Had Patrick had a terminal illness, it would have been cliched but would have still prepared viewers and let the story have some depth. Instead the producers seem to be stuck in the rut of "we provide surprise deaths in our shows" regardless of the feel and tone of the show. Keep in mind that it would have been far worse had Ch 10 not run promos suggesting that someone would die, they probably deserve a medal for that:)

    All in all, people making the show pull up your socks and don't assume that its a perfectly made series. As it is, you must have shed half the audience that hoped to cherish the DVD box set that would provide comfort viewing:) Milly

    1. Milly - I so badly want to know what you heard. I wish you had lower standards and could go New Idea!!

    2. Nadene, I am no Nene King, I will leave it to New Idea :-) It was all allusion anyway but it did seem like it wasn't the bold plot move it was made out to be.

    3. Perhaps that is comforting - if true it doesn't seem a deliberate or cruel attempt to shake viewers.

    4. maybe the error was in the way they handled it in the media post Patrick death. it was really unclear what the reason was - was it actor availability, was it a "bold plot move", was it a ratings device...
      I thought the initial media the producers and writers did was off and had they been willing to give us the real story the viewers may have been less volatile.

    5. Yes they seemed to vacillate between MLN's availability and the bold plot move and read between the lines statements. Mel's death in PTFR was for e.g. devastating to fans of the show but it didn't make them mad. Because it was part of many story arcs and the PR was on point.

  65. Nadene and Milly make a valid point- there was no malice on the part of the writers for creating a script which contained a decision made previously, that being Patrick's death. I suppose it was a given and they had to create a story which would culminate in this death while keeping the viewers riveted to Nina and Patrick's relationship. The rationale may have been that to have Patrick suffer from a gradual illness would already alienate certain viewers in the middle of the 4th season, hence ratings would plummet.
    I'm certain that the writers harboured no evil plot or were "out to get the viewer"-we all realize that. It's just that htey could have done it better or differently, as Milly stated above. And kept their viewers coming back for a season 5.

  66. Have to skip any songs from the Offspring soundtracks, some of which I really loved and were the most played in my iTunes library, because they now make me want to cry. :(

    I agree Milly that it was probably slightly less traumatic having Channel 10 air those promos.

  67. Now I'm intrigued, Milly. But I admire your integrity. So let's pretend for a minute that the writers had given us proper reasons as to why MLN's Patrick had to be demised.
    Their first fault then is that they had time to develop how that death was going to be play out.
    And then again, I am all over left to think that they should have built some plots for the secondary (or not so secondary!) characters.
    To me, Billie (especially) and Jimmy are as important as Nina. Being how invested Nina is in her family, I think it is impossible for fans to detach ourselves from her siblings either. We simply want to know more because Nina is very close to them.
    So, this is where the writers are at fault. They did not develop interesting and engaging story lines for them that would have kept us hooked. At the same time, P&N romance would have not been as prominent and 'in our faces'.
    Nothing was properly developed to the high standards Offspring has made us used to, other than a love story which they knew would end in tragedy.
    So, given all these reasons, I really cannot hold any sympathy for the authors - even if MLN's exit was unintentional and out of their control for whatever reason.
    Deb Oswald even got upset when channel 10 advertised a death! That makes me think they were really out to trick us, and create THAT water cooler moment which so obviously wouldn't have happened otherwise due to poor scripts throughout the season.

  68. Please don't believe everything you read in New (No) Idea. I am also in the industry and am virtually certain that MLN was available for season 5, but the reaction by fans to the death of Patrick has meant the Offspring directors/writers are now spinning desperately to cover their mistake. They believed that killing off Patrick would extend the series beyond Season 5, which was why they plotted S4 that way. I have not read the NI article but would not waste my time or money.
    Emmerr you have just reminded me that I also bought the Offspring soundtracks and like you I cannot listen to them ever again

  69. SombreFilly

    apologies I now realize you did not mean there was something published in New Idea about the inevitably of S4 ending. But I really do think all the talk about being forced into that ending of killing off Patrick is just spin by directors/writers who are now wishing madly they could go back to square 1 on S4

  70. Evie, I agree no sympathy for the writers! They are trying to spin it their way when the fact is they should have done a better job. Are they brutal. Perhaps not. But have they produced a largely poor season. Yes. I agree that once the character was written out, they were going for maximising the water cooler effect. Which is fine but that was bungled too.

    PamW, I do have a friend who worked with the same magazine group of which NI is a part and I can say for sure that 90% of the stories are made up:)

    I guess most people have come to terms with it - by being "Offspring fans" and not "N&P fans". It remains to be seen if S5 generates the same kind of excitement though. My guess is folk will tune in but sustaining viewership will depend on them making a very strong season.

  71. As usual Milly, you are right on target. The writers aren't brutal but they are trying to spin it their way. I'm not familiar with the "industry" other than watching films and countless series depicting what goes on "behind the scenes". I started watching Offspring, online of course because I live abroad, in 2010- a friend from Melbourne turned me on to it. It was like being part of a group dedicated to a quality and cultish series, what they call in layman's terms a sleeper.
    It seems that the series rose in popularity within the first episodes of season 3. But at this time, the decisions regarding what would happen in seson 4 were already made. Were they set in stone? Probably not. The producers, writers and other power that be claimed that they never anticipated the uproar and outcry which was expressed in the social media. Probably back in season 3, when decisions were being made, MNL's popularity and his riveting chemistry with Asher Keddie was still underestimated. So , while Offspring shouldn't have been the Nina and Patrick show, it is precisely what it became. So the writers should have made a tremendous effort in focusing on the other characters, to wean us from Nina and Patrick while cemeting our affection to equally enthralling characters. They didn't do this and hence, the huge mistake, besides the largely poor season.
    I suppose in Hollywood they would pay ridiculous sums of money and try to "fix" the situation, gaining sponsers, enticing the departing actors with all sorts of deals. Anything to keep that fan base and more accurately, the ratings. By trying to justify the finale and spin it their way, they have cheapened the quality of the show. Season 5 would have to be so superbly written, minus the antics of season 4, which, in my opinion, were demeaning. If the writers can pull this off, they may be able to retain their viewership.
    There are several other extraordinary shows to watch such as Orange is the New Black, Scandal, Downtown Abbey and my new favorite, the Americans. You won't be disappointed. So why am I still fretting over Offspring? Because it was wonderful to cheer for Nina and Patrick, to be hopeful for a good love story, to be a hopeless romantic-isn't that what gives us the joie de vivre and isn't that part of what we expected from Offspring?

    1. Oh absolutely. There are several other TV series I watch that I prefer to Offspring. But the reaction to each is different from the other and I think its fine to fret over Offspring. Its like the potentially perfect dish ruined by the wrong ingredients-you can't but help think of correcting that:)

  72. Great analogy-so I suppose that means that the chefs of Offspring will have to improvise on their recipe, for season 5.
    Personally, I'm skeptical as to whether it'll be my cup of tea-I would have been on board this season (5) primarily to see a happy new family work on their issues, not a bereaved widowed single mother. Short of the writers conjuring up a magic act and pulling a rabbit out of a hat, I think I'll be disappointed.

  73. agree with everything you have said Shosie. I really hope some other smart producer picks up MLN, who is both a fine actor and very hot! He would make a fab new love interest for Claudia Kavan in second series of Time of our Lives is one suggestion

  74. Milly, completely agreed. I don't think ratings will hold during S5 if they continue with current standards. Offspring has taken a turn for the worse with its lack of depth and rushed storytelling.
    It is hard for tv shows to recover once the quality starts declining.
    I'm reminded of LOST, and how during a disastrous S3, fans asked the writers to set an end date to keep the show developing.

    In my opinion this is one of the reasons why Offspring is so adrift at the moment.
    I have been thinking that the writers may have originally planned Offspring for 5 seasons but maybe the powers that be (channel 10) are pulling strings and want it to continue well beyond S5...
    As a result, instead of the writers paving the way for the end game in S5, they may have had to settle with ridiculous plots in order to fulfill further commitments if they have to.

    I'm still upset, but trying to find new meanings around the nonsense that was S4.

  75. Oh I loved that series-great idea!
    I actually spoke to a friend in Los Angeles (originally from Brisbane) who works for some type of telly and film data base. While discussing the crisis in Syria, the new P.M., and the nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea, we also discussed Offspring's finale and season 5-unbelievable,eh?
    I suppose that this sounds a bit like obsessive fan activity but induldge me today, please.
    She said that, contrary to other prominent actors from Offspring, MLN is not scheduled or cast in any new productions, Stateside or in Australia for the 2013-2014 season. For certain not in the States. Kat Stewart or Asher Keddie, who apparently has a new series straight after Offspring, have listings regarding their various projects, as does Richard Davies (Jimmy)in Australia.
    She said that MLN's reps are very quiet and not forthcoming in giving any information regarding what he's working on and someone even ventured that MLN is not shooting anything significant in the States. My friend also said that it was as if there is a"gag-order", yes, a little dramatic but my friends been in Los Angeles for many years- as if the reps and the actor were instructed not to say anything regarding his projects. So either the poor guy is stuck under contract with Offspring to appear as a vision or angel\devil on Nina'a shoulder in several episodes or maybe he just isn't getting the big break he went abroad for. What a shame!
    Anyway, I thought some of you would be interested in the above information.

  76. Hi Shoshie. I think it's a case of the big break that hasn't come. MLN had already moved to LA when he joined Offspring. And apparently he's come agonizingly close to the big break several times. I think when Channel 10 commissioned both seasons 4 and 5 (which was in July last year) he (or his representation) was reluctant to lock him in for 2 seasons. This was about the same time as the decision was made to kill off Patrick. Maybe it is a complete coincidence. Perhaps I'm clutching at straws. I've said this before I know, but I can't help but wonder if the outcome would have been different if seasons 4 and 5 had been commissioned separately. In July last year, MLN could commit to season 4. In August this year, his lack of other commitments would suggest he could do season 5.

  77. Hi Jenny-I recently read something about Guy Pearce- he got several big breaks (L.A. Confidential) but still felt as if he had to prove himself anew with each audition in the U.S. and stopped getting offers for great roles.He's one of the best actors ever! He opted for quality roles in Australia, acting and directing, over mediocre but better paying oppurtunities in the U.S. Smart move, in my opinion.
    Perhaps the writers of Offspring have used this oppurtunity in order to take advantage of MLN's availability and will do major damage reversal- perhaps Patricks death and funeral never happened and Billie, in a drunken stupor,became comatose and this is part of her subconscious dream or activity.
    You know, after seeing the tender moments of episodes 9-11, including Nina'a rap dream, I can't imagine the writers( even after all I've read about the death really being true)would choose to end it this way. The writers are certainly better than this. There just has to be a catch- it just has to be a cliffhanger and we'll breathe a sigh of relief within the first few episodes of season 5.
    Now who's grasping at straws?

    1. I so hope you're right Shoshie. I know others here don't like the idea of it being anyone's fantasy, and it's not ideal, but for me, anything to get Patrick back alive is just fine!

  78. After my last comment I had this thought. I remember a comment from the Offspring producers that they didn't want to end episodes on cliffhangers when they weren't sure they were being commissioned for another season. This season, when they know they have another, they not only decide not to have a cliffhanger, but make it the most awful bloody ending possible!

  79. They obviously didn't intend for the finale to be a cliffhanger.
    I think they (when the finale was written and decided upon last year) weren't certain about the continuity and/or actor availablity and didn't anticipate all the factors which we have written about here re: MLN popularity, the uproar on the social media and ratings soaring circa. the end of season 4. So they wrote (back then)an incomprehensible finale, innocently not realizing the huge fan base that MLN generated and perhaps underestimating the fact that the viewers, while loving Asher Keddie in comedy as well as in drama, want to see Nina, perhaps as neurotic as ever, loved and settled.
    They would get unprecedented ratings, for the beginning of season 5 at least, if the promos would show that season 4 's ending wasnt conclusive, that what we saw may have been in a character's mind or subconscious-in other words a belated cliffhanger/damage control.
    Leaving the storyline as it ended would present a downfall for the writers/producers-many fans will watch the season 5 premeire but half heartedly. Seeing a brokenhearted Nina will drive many fans away. Seeing Nina struggle with motherhood with only her insane family to help may be amusing but will leave many fans feeling a void. Seeing Nina back in a romantic situation will appear ridiculous and uncaring ( half a year after losing her partner!)and again, turn off even the most emotionally shallow fans.
    So the ratings will indeed plummet and the sponsers of the adverts will be livid. It's all about the money here.
    Much of the money is also the revenue which is generated by the DVD sales and the eventual syndication around the world and in Australia. Home and Away was syndicated in Israel for years, albeit two years behind the actual episodes which were aired in Australia. When episodes become rubbishy, many viewers turn off. And the sponsers don't sign new contracts.
    Viewers are more intelligent and discriminating today, with shows like Offspring or Love My Way. They will watch them over and over again if the show served a cetain need in the viewer.
    I can only assume that the producers of Offspring , who are basically creative businesspeople, do realize this.
    They are also esteemed artists who have integrity and want to continue to be revered in their professions.
    Am I saying something feasable?
    Could it be possible that we, writers on this blog, have so much more savvy and smarts than the producers of Offspring?

    1. Interesting points above.Love the idea of a love interest for Klaudia Carvan.What about someone for Michala Banas in Upper Middle Bogan. He could be a great bogan or someone from the hospital!!!
      Thing is I really got into Offspring from S2 and bought the DVDs and soundtracks for those first three series. Bought a season pass for S4 and still have not bothered to download the last two episodes. The chemistry between Nina and Patrick was what kept me interested. I basically fast forwarded through episodes to see the two of them (or just Patrick)!I do think the writers took a lazy way out. How much more skilful would their writing have to be to keep the sparks and chemistry going after the birth of baby.As people have put better before me-so many unanswered questions and threads not wrapped up or annoyingly leaving us hanging.

  80. Actually, Kate , I think that there is a large percentage of viewers who basically were watching for the same reason. Perhaps not fast forwarding only to Nina and Patrick scenes -the other characters and actors are worth watching as well, However, if this had not been the main storyline, many viewers would not have watched as religiously, for lack of a better word. This was the main course and dessert in a menu full of entrees and side dishes. Without this part of the storyline, it doesn't really entice you to watch.
    So the great debate as to whether this was all necessary due to issues with MLN leaving or searching for the elusive rainbow in the U.S. I'm reminded of an interview with the great Robin Williams. He had studied ata most prestigious university for music and the arts, the famed Julliard School in N.Y. He commented on his success. He claimed that for every truly insanely talented artist, very few go onto get a lucky break. He said that there are thousands of graduates of Julliard, far more talented and capable than many on stage and screen today, including himself. These people are teaching, running theatre groups in small town, working in insurance, law or , business and persevering in their art as a life sustaining function but not as a professional one. He mentioned a fellow graduate who runs a first class music program for poor children. This fellow was the validictorian of the Julliard Graduating Class. What's my point?
    Some actors go Stateside and are just lucky. The Americans love Aussie actors and if you're in the right place at the right time, all the better. Not every immensely talented actor geets lucky. Some remain anonymous their entire lives, without a real break out role. Dame Judi Dench is a great example of a supreme actress whose reputation was golden in Britain (can I assume in Australia as well? ) but she was virtually unknown by the masses elsewhere until she was in her fifties. In the U.K. no one would have refuted her greatness However, there are many other thespians who went out looking for that international "break" which would catapult them to fame and fortune. They are still waiting. Or perhaps they should have taken a lesson from Judi Dench or Tim Piggot Smith, one of Britain's most esteemed theatre actors who chose not to run to the States. Is this not the case in Australia? So MLN is still waiting, almost 35.He hasn't gotten the exposure which he seeks. He's been cast in a guest role in a sweet but not overly watched show called The Glades (personally, I thought it was a waste of his talent). Given, the guy is easy on the eyes and can really act, as well. But it doesn't always happen for every great actor. And meanwhile, back home, HE IS ALREADY A HOUSEHOLD NAME!!! If he comes back to season 5 in more than just a guest role, he will become the most popular actor in Australia, would be able to write his ticket for any production that he wants and would catapult's Offspring's ratings. If indeed he was written out because he's gotten that big break from Hollywood, we would have read or heard about it by now. If he comes back to Australia, he will be the busiest actor in the country! Maybe there is hope for Offspring season 5 after all.

  81. Okay I've got one. Another conspiracy theory that is. I think it's new. MLN said in one interview he's been clucky for years but it just hasn't happened. So maybe he's unable to have children and portraying a father to a newborn would be too painful for him to contemplate.


  82. Ok,Emmerrr, I get it-so maybe some of us have been taking these "theories" a bit too far.
    I suppose we've been reading into things in order to recreate the storyline that wasn't meant to be
    You can't fault a hopeless romantic for wanting a happy ending, can you?

  83. Don't read anything into the conspiracy theories comment Shoshie! I wasn't actually accusing anyone else here of conspiracy theories. Just thought it would be a good one for New Idea or the like to run with. :-D Like you, I won't give up hope until the first episode of next season. I love reading what you say! Keep it coming! I hope you're right. My son is really into Xavier Rudd at the moment. We have his Spirit Bird CD playing in the car all the time, and the song itself makes me cry if I'm not driving myself and my imagination has time to wander. I'm far from over this Patrick dying business!

  84. Thank you so much, Emmerrr, for reassuring me that I'm not insane. I gave myself a big smile when I read your comments.

    I know that we're a group of intelligent, educated and articulate women (are there men on this blog?). We have families, careers and social lives and obligations. I'm not sitting around wearing sackcloths and rubbing ashes on my forehead. I'm still grading papers, writng lesson plans and teaching with a full heart. I'm still a wife and mother.
    I admit that I was virtually addicted to the West Wing, House and Downtown Abbey. This assures me that my taste is above the average dribble. I know I'm in good company, from what I have read here in this blog.
    Something about Offspring captivated us and the horrific ending of the season basically traumatised us. I still function 100 percent in my daily life, albeit a bit sadder, as do the rest of you. Although it's nice to be able to complain to each other and joke as well on this blog. We need the levity.
    Yet, I suppose I need to harbour the belief that they (the writers) wouldn't have written something so callous and unfeeling, so unrelated to the rest of the season. So, thanks Emmerrr, for letting me know it's okay to be a bit carried away.

  85. I also love your optimism Shoshie - I also feel the comments on this blog affirm my sanity at being so caught up in a TV show. Like you I want to believe the writers will do the right thing come season 5, but am terrified they won't.

  86. Just out of curiousity and courtesy, I must ask this question.
    Felicity, where have you been hiding?
    This is your blog, after all, and we owe you big time for the free therapy sessions.

    1. I've been wondering the same. Hope all is well!

  87. Yes, you're quite right. Hope all is well.
    Felicity, wherever you may be hiding or just plain busy-I apologise if we (I) have overused your blog for comments that criticised or bad mouthed the series. It's just venting and trying to perpetuate interst in order to enable us to even ponder watching season 5. Possibly got too serious and complicated for some bloggers and if anyone has been offended or insulted, please accept my apologies.
    I think I speak for all of us in saying that we'd LOVE another excerpt in the alternative version of the season 4 finale. Your last one was lovely.

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