Friday, January 27, 2012

DPC Vlog: The Positive Fans

1 comment:

  1. Very true about the campaigning behind the awards. I remember back in 2011 (?) when Melissa Leo won the Oscar for best supporting actress in 'The Fighter', but there was a general consensus that she was a bit tacky in the lead-up to nominations... Because Leo personally paid for Hollywood trade ads that were pictures of her all glammed-up and the words “Consider”, and then below that, “Melissa Leo” with a link to her website. Basically advertising herself for the win (which she did, in the end).

    And I remember the New York Times and Variety and all these other places wrote articles about how that wasn't 'the done thing' - that all the nitty-gritty, behind-the-scenes Oscars politics was meant to be a bit hush-hush and under the rug, but she just went all out and paraded herself around.

    Interesting how political awards can be. I just like looking at the pretty sparkly dresses and hearing George Clooney say very nice things about Michael Fassbender.
