Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dear TV Crushes from mid to late 90's

Noel Crane (Scott Foley),  Felicity

Noel, my blessed! He was the sweeter, less moody and less whispery part of the triangle of Felicity and Ben. Before you claimed Edward or Jacob (or didn't), you were either ardently for Noel or lusting for Ben - there was no middle ground. Felicity was constantly flipping between the two fellas and while we shared the same name and hairstyle (until she went crazy and cut her hair, and that cut the ratings!) but we never shared a hesitation over sweet, put it out there and tell the girl he loves her Noel (*cough* indecisive Ben *cough*).

Noel was Felicity's RA in her New York college dorm, and from the suburbs of Australia it all sounded so COOL and of course, it made me want to go to New York and hang out at Dean and Deluca. For extra bonus points Scott Foley married Jennifer Garner, before she was actually Jennifer Garner - take that Ben Affleck.

Angel (David Boreanaz ), Buffy The Vampire Slayer

If you wanted wounded and brooding, if you wanted tortured and lost then in the late 90's you looked no further than Angel. A vampire with a soul, who falls in love with the Slayer, this all happened at a time when vampires weren't cool and Buffy aired sporadically at best in Australia, on Seven at 11.30pm at night. Didn't stop me sitting captivated in front of my television for the epic Season Two of Buffy, when people turned evil and hearts were broken. As the series progressed so did David's acting skills (although his Irish accent has always been horribly shaky) and the starcrossed lovers continually played out the on and off relationship, leaving Buffy/Angel shippers with plenty of fan-fiction to write. David still has a soft spot in my heart and I'll admit to watching a bit of Bones to see him in action, if only because you see him smiling more than Angel ever got to do.

Pacey Witter (Joshua Jackson), Dawson's Creek

PACEY! The ultimate Floss crush, I LOVED (correction love) Pacey, like stalker love him. He was the sassy best friend to earnest and twee Dawson, who got to bed his teacher in season one and not have it appear weird. He got the mentally unstable Andie as his romantic interest in season two, but it also became his year to shine, a sarcastic anti-hero compared to Dawson and his whiny, self-involved crap. Season Three saw Pacey swoop in and create the magic triangle in which both Dawson and Pacey competed for her heart. Clearly the writers could see the chemistry between Josh and Katie that was heads above the weird brother/sister dynamic of Katie and James Van Der Beek.

What sent the fan girls wild for Pacey was his underdog, underachiever yet wanting so much more status. He was guys guy, playing practical jokes and organising parties with a mischievous grin. He was the supportive friend to all, standing up for gay Jack to a homophobic teacher, collecting girls from all parts of fictional New England while they dated idiots. He was the heart on his sleeve boyfriend who fell hard - he remembered everything she said, he kissed her first, he wrote on FREAKING WALL asking Joey to stay! The rest of Dawson's Creek was spent trying to keep Joey and Pacey apart which was crazy because why would you ever want to go elsewhere?

As a side note: Joshua Jackson has since become a fully fledged adult hottie. He's charmingly in love with Diane Kruger, openly admits that she, the fashion queen she is, dresses him. He's on a cult cool show, and he hasn't forgotten his awesome teen soap days - having a Pacey-Con outside at Comic-Con and reading fan-fiction and playing 'I Don't Wanna Wait' loudly. He's just AWESOME all over.

Runners Up in the Mid-to-Late 90's Crush bracket:
Bailey Salinger (Scott Wolf), Party of Five.
Max Evans (Jason Behr), Roswell
Newt Call (Scott Bairstow), Lonesome Dove: Outlaw Years.


  1. PACEY!
    Oh, how I loved his Caesar haircut and Hawaiian shirts. He was sexy personified for me growing up. I think there's still a part of me that's waiting for a boy to buy me a wall or offer to sail me around the world *sigh*

    P.S. - screw Angel (i.e: 'tall, dark and forehead'!) I was a Spike fan all the way (his Billy Idol hair. His snarky sarcasm! That long, leather trench coat! ARGH!)

  2. See Spike was great as an ememy but by the end I was kinda over him. I still though, rate as one of my all time Buffy moments, the scene in Becoming Pt2 when he says 'God, he's going to kill her' and then shrugs his shoulders and walks out. EVIL!
