I won’t lie, I’ve see all your siblings in the Twilight Saga movie series and I’ve read those books that started off okay and turned into wretchedness. I thought the first film was average teen moody fluff. New Moon was pretty terrible aside from the dedication to Lautner’s abs. So my expectations were low but still, really Eclipse, not bad at all.
I’m not saying you were awesome, and that people should trample their relatives to go see you, but hey, Kristen Stewart wasn’t manic depressive so right there is a vast improvement. RPatz, has pretty much nailed his brooding look and avoided as much ‘sparkle time’ as possible. And the biggest surprise of all, Taylor actually at various points, did some acting! Like actually emoted and stuff, it was a little scary.
On the negative side, the hairstyles were bad, seriously bad. I know that K-Stew was offered a lot of money not to chop off her hair and I kinda understand why. That wig was a shocker, or should I say wigs, because Bella was rocking different looks, styles and colours at various points on the same day. The entire Cullen family hairstyles in fact were awful and I can’t decide if possibly the hairstyle team went ultra meta and thought a hairdresser would be ‘afraid’ of the Cullens and so they’d been unable to do their own hair for centuries.
Oddly, I thought the KStew and RPatz chemistry was toned down a smidge. I think the bed kissing scene from Twilight was far hotter than anything we saw in you, Eclipse movie. And while we all know the emo kids are safety in the storm banging, I thought Taylor did an okay job of looking like he could possible break up the co-dependent couple.
So Twilight: Eclipse movie, not bad work by you. I feel like this is your swan song, because as you attempt to film the crazy-town book that is Breaking Dawn and you have to sustain both your lead couple’s relationship for at least two years to not make filming and the following press junket really, really awkward, I say enjoy this moment, enjoy the glory because it’s fleeting.
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