Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear World, I Want to be an Author (For Reelz)

So, it's true, I want to be an author. For those that know me it shouldn't really come as a GIANT shock, because I've been telling stories all my life. From the Danielle Steele wannabe book Bryleigh (which I wrote when I was 10, lest you judge at my mimicking Danielle) to my more serious angst (which we don't talk of because it's rubbish), I've been writing stories for a long time.

But now, now I've gone and grown up and have a job and work hard and do all the 'right' things. Telling people I want to write stories all day, well that's just bananas.

Still, I spend most of my days around people who do that very thing for a living, and I've often thought, why not me, why can't I? And so after of years of procrastination and deliberating and making excuses, I've just spent the past three months writing and I mean writing HARD!

There has been actual drafts and people have actually read said drafts and not set fire to them and accused me of wasting paper, so we're off to a good start. Now comes the next step, going out there and getting published and not answering in a teeny tiny voice when people ask what I spent all weekend doing, with a wimpering 'writing.'

My words on paper - let's say ahhh
Because that is the biggest hurdle, believing in the next step and not being afraid to loudly and proudly say, I've written a book, I like it and yes, it is about a young adult girl drawn into the life of demon hunting unwillingly and no it's NOT Twilight but it is set in the world of monsters and demons and I think other people will like reading it, without being embarrassed.

Wish me good luck!


  1. Good luck!! Can't wait to read it! xoxox

  2. That sounds fairly awesome, I'd read it (and review it too!)
