Friday, April 8, 2011

West Wing Fan Fiction: Cold Calling

Title: Cold Calling
Author: Published as Finn AUS
Disclaimer: You know they aren’t mine, but if wishing made it so.
Rating: Very safe.
Category: Comedy-ish
Author Note: This tiny baby piece that takes places after the key debacle of 06. A completely different way Josh could have handled it.
A/N 2: It’s been a while between drinks and I just found this on my computer, I haven’t even sent it off to my beloved beta (sorry for all the mistakes), I’m just putting it out there.
Feedback: Oh please yes

'SAM!!’ he yelled into the phone. Pacing back and forth across the lobby foyer, Josh was frantic. He needed a sure hand, some words of wisdom and the only person he knew he could completely trust at that moment was Sam.

'SAM PICK UP!’ Again, begging for him to be there. A short scuffle down the line and then a breathless Sam answered.

'Josh?’ Clearly Sam was confused.

‘Yeah, it’s me.’

‘Are you okay?’

'Not really.’

‘Okay, take deep breaths, lean against a wall and I’m going to call Donna on the other line to get Stanley Keyworth’s number-’

‘Don’t call Donna!’ Josh snapped.

‘Josh, you sound terrible and she can help-’

‘We kissed.’ Silence followed.

‘Sam? Hey, Sam are you still there?’

‘Are you okay?’


‘I just thought when you two finally kissed, you might spontaneously combust or something.’

‘No, I managed to keep myself together. What do you mean finally?’

‘You’re not seriously asking that?’

‘I am.’

‘Because Josh, you two have been a kiss away for years.’

‘Why didn’t anyone tell me this?’ Josh whined.

‘Sorry buddy I thought you knew, it is, after all Donna.’

‘Yeah,’ he sighed.

‘Was it worth the wait?’ Sam softly asked.

‘Oh yeah,’ he smiled at the memory.

‘So, what’s the problem, what have you done?’

‘What do you mean, what have I done?’ he asked, mildly offended.

‘Josh,’ Sam intoned.

‘Fine…there may have been a miscommunication.’


‘Donna may now believe that I am rejecting her advances.’

‘How did you manage mis-communicate that?’ Sam was shocked

‘She tried, in an incredibly sexy manoeuvre by the way, to slide me her room key across the table tonight. One of the idiot people I have hired grabbed it before I could, offering to return it to her.’


‘And what Sam? Donna now thinks I sent the key back and I don’t want to continue the kiss.’

‘Josh you really are an idiot sometimes.’

‘Thanks Sam for all the support. What am I going to do?’ He jumped impatiently on the spot.

‘Call her, get her room number from the hotel, email her, fax her, page her…there are about five hundred ways you can contact her and explain the mix up.’

‘Really…I should just call her?’

‘You should do it right now…I have no idea why you are still talking to me! For someone so bright you really are quite stupid.’

‘Sam, I’m about to call the woman I’ve spent eight long years loving, give me a confidence boost would ya?’

‘Do you love her?’ Sam whispered in an awed reverence.

‘Sorry buddy, thought you knew, it is, after all Donna,’ Josh smiled.

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