Friday, April 8, 2011

West Wing Fan Fiction: Unsent Letters

Title: Unsent Letters
Rated: PG for thoughts and ideas.
Summary: The unsent letters in Josh's Personal Folder
Disclaimer: These are Aaron Sorkin's creative genius characters, that John Wells has hijacked. I am just borrowing them for a little bit and will return them when I'm done
Feedback: Crave and adore feedback

Author Notes: In Shutdown, Josh almost let Donna use his laptop. He decided against it after remembering his Personal Folder. So what follows is what I imagine is in Josh's Personal Folder.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep A Proportional Response

I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land.

I love that you tolerate me.

You stand there and let me rant, knowing I need to let it out before moving on. I behave completely inappropriately sometimes and order you to fetch me lunch. I boast of my successes and you tolerate me, without ever letting me go too far.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep Five Votes Down

You won our award for best gift valued over twenty-five dollars on the financial disclosure report.

I love that you mock me.

That sometimes I do and say incredibly stupid things and you instead of becoming infuriated, you choose to mock me.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep The Crackpots & These Women

Donald hasn't called me yet.

I love that you involve me.

Though I outwardly hate it, I want to know. I want to hear their names and know their faces. I detest the way they treat you, these gomers that float in and out of your life. If they knew you for half the woman you are…

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep Mr Willis of Ohio

I want my money back.

I love your freshness.

Your ability to see the world in completely unique way. A small incident can change your day, simply because you care and pay attention. Your first discovery brings a newness to documents I've heard time and time over. I wait excitedly as you discover more and more.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep The Short List

You should be nice to me. I could be dead, you know.

I love you that put me at ease.

That in your mind the possibility of me interviewing you would be uncomfortable and your first thought was my discomfort, not your own. You ease me by allaying my fears, that my completely nonsensical ramblings of falling ceilings are idiotic. You show me the ground when my feet drift from it.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep In Excelsis Deo

If one of us were in trouble, he would be the first person

I love your compassion.

Your first thought was to stand and defend someone who was in trouble. You propelled me into action when I felt shocked into stillness.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep Take Out the Trash Day

He likes it beyond well done--he likes it burnt.

I love that know you my order.

It's a small intimacy but it reminds me, that you know the small stuff and it matters to you. Not matters, but you know me enough.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep Take This Sabbath Day

And then wrestling in dirt?

I love you stand me at all.

In my state of awfulness, when some one else would walk away, and say too hard. You dig in and stand up. You take charge of me and let me know that without you, I am a ship without sail. Even when I am wearing fisherman's pants.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep 20 Hours in LA

I'm a real big fan, David, not just a Johnny-come-lately. It's not just Baywatch and Knight Rider with me.

I love your enthusiasm.

Whether it be for life to be lived, for me to move forward or for David Hasselhoff. You are not embarrassed or shamed by your enthusiasm. It shines outwards from your eyes and I am but lucky to stand beside you.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep The White House Pro Am

I'm adaptable.

I love that you can get out of hand.

That you can still make me blush. What would your sexual desire be

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep Let Bartlet Be Barlet

I'm really not in the mood to mess around.

I love your spunk.

You stand toe to toe with me and you know just how far to push. You call me baby and walk away with a smile. You don't fear me in any way.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep Mandatory Minimums

It's his regular Tuesday suit.

I love that you know my suits.

It's another small intimacy, but it means you know. It's such a strange idiosyncrasy, and I feel immature for continuing it but by acknowledging it, you make me feel special. As if you run a mental checklist of all the things you…of me.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post-Ep What Kind of Day Has It Been

Shots fired, shots fired!

I love that you weren't there.

I couldn't have that happen. Not to you. I sat there, alone and I saw you. Chaos reigned supreme around me, yet I was still. I couldn't speak, couldn't move to let others know but I saw you. You were with me, for that small moment and the greatest relief I had that night was not being found by Toby but realizing that you weren't actually there. If anything ever happened…

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: During Ep In the Shadow of Two Gunmen Pt 2

Why not?

Who was that girl? Coming back from a meeting today, I found a young blonde girl answering my phone. After a brief conversation it seems she had taken it upon herself to appoint herself as my assistant. I immediately recognized her refugee status. She was fleeing a bad relationship, a free riding medical student. Still I felt nothing but annoyance, I wanted her gone, I had things to do. In a hope of dismissing her, I told her this place was no rebuilding platform for people, no confidence Oprah Winfrey embrace session – well I hope I was more eloquent than that. I figured she'd been gone, either embarrassed or shocked, best result: both. She turned to me, and with the fiercest blue eyes and streak of spirit I have seen, she asked me why? Why it couldn't be a place to start a new? And I knew she was completely right. This fresh as a daisy, Wisconsin raised (I won't think about that), plucky student, stood in my office and convinced me with one sentence what this campaign should be about.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep The Midterms

You made fun of the rules.

I love that you protect me.

Even if it's from myself, you put yourself in people's faces who would ordinarily scare others. You stayed with me, for three months and let time help me through. No kid gloves or special treatment, you respected for who I am and how I process things.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep The Lame Duck Congress

I'm a beard.

I love that you see in small things a heart.

The most inconsequential, low ranking report can spark your interest and instead of dismissal, you see people. Names and faces, people and their suffering, and you take the truth of what the White House stands for and want to help. All the while knowing, that little can be done with the little that with we have, but also knowing that you are not the person who should decide what equals a greater pain. Even if it's pinching!

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep The Portland Trip

Because I say so.

I love that dress.

I spent hours after you left, staring at my desk. Piles of work glared back at me but nothing. I couldn't escape how my breath caught in my throat when I saw you properly for the first time, how the entire night my mind wondered what you were doing, how utterly relieved I was when you came back unsatisfied. But what, more than anything troubled me was my conversation with Matt Skinner. He was advocating a bill that would basically declare certain types of love lawful and others not. It wasn't the gay community that I thought about, but selfishly myself. I have no capacity of understanding, to process what would happen if someone forbid me to love you. While silence and secrecy prevail, I know one day, I will tell you. Heaven help anyone, government or individual if they told me my love was illegal.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep Noel

I'm tuned to you.

I love that you guessed.

I was drowning, and I could see no escape, and felt foolish to ask for help. The sirens would continue ringing, and my breath was shallow and I was back there, sitting alone. How could I ask for help? But you saw something. Was it that I couldn't look at you? For fear of falling apart. Was it my terse responses? An attempt to redirect my anger, from myself to others. Was it the blood that flowed from my hand? You saw it and said nothing to me, but somehow you knew. In the darkness that was closing in, you reached out to me, gently showing me the light. You saved me and for that I am eternally grateful.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep The Leadership Breakfast

She sent a note.

I love your embarrassment.

The sheer look of horror was priceless. I laughed for days and in no means at you. A more sympathetic laugh, for your ability to get into the most preposterous situations yet still retain a sensibility about you.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep The War at Home

You fired me twice already tonight--I'm impervious.

I love your misdirection.

I know the feeling, and while denying it vehmently to anyone who ever mentions it in my presence, I know the feeling. What makes it incredible is the possibility that Joey's right. That the number one pollster in the country may have correctly counted a poll that was never taken. How do you manage? Do you struggle daily as I do? For your sake, I hope not - for my own, I hope so.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep 17 People

Stop remembering that.

I love that you left him.

While I may mock you, I may mock him and make light of the entire event, you should never doubt how proud I am of you. For being brave enough to leave him, for being brave enough to come back to me. For being brave enough to recently tell me the truth. To this very day, I will never understand how someone could focus on anything with you in the hospital. Minor scrap or not, I simply don't believe it possible. No red light would stop me either, is what I wanted to reply. If only…

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep Bad Moon Rising

AA's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I love your reasoning.

You look at situations and often pick an unpopular choice and ask why? Asking questions that while help prove my point, many people shy away from asking. Congressman, lobbyists, economists – many wanted to ask me the same question you asked today but you were the only one brave enough to say it. To not be afraid to be wrong, just wanting to know why? Wanting a reason.

To: Donna Moss
From Josh Lyman (Personal Folder)
Date: Post Ep 18th & Potomac

If everybody out there takes it the way she did, we may be okay.

I love your response.

Everyone felt betrayed, hurt, and lied to. You felt compassion, sorrow and love. Your only thoughts were for the President and how he felt, how this would affect him. How amazingly selfless you are, to not focus on what may come for you. How this terrible lie could have you jobless in mere months. I learn so much from you every day and can never acknowledge it. Today I learnt from you what it meant to be a human being first and political operative second.

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